Diplomacy Theory and Practice

Fully revised and updated, this comprehensive guide to diplomacy explores the art of negotiating international agreements and the channels through which such activities occur when states are in diplomatic relations, and when they are not. This new edition

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10.1057/9781137445520 - Diplomacy, G.R. Berridge

Also by G. R. Berridge BRITISH DIPLOMACY IN TURKEY, 1583 TO THE PRESENT: A Study in the Evolution of the Resident Embassy THE COUNTER-REVOLUTION IN DIPLOMACY and Other Essays

DIPLOMATIC CLASSICS: Selected Texts from Commynes to Vattel DIPLOMATIC THEORY FROM MACHIAVELLI TO KISSINGER (with Maurice Keens-Soper and T. G. Otte) A DIPLOMATIC WHISTLEBLOWER IN THE VICTORIAN ERA: The Life and Writings of E. C. Grenville-Murray ECONOMIC POWER IN ANGLO-SOUTH AFRICAN DIPLOMACY: Simonstown, Sharpeville and After EMBASSIES IN ARMED CONFLICT GERALD FITZMAURICE (1865–1939), CHIEF DRAGOMAN OF THE BRITISH EMBASSY IN TURKEY INTERNATIONAL POLITICS: States, Power and Conflict since 1945, Third Edition AN INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (with D. Heater) THE PALGRAVE MACMILLAN DICTIONARY OF DIPLOMACY, Third Edition (with Lorna Lloyd) THE POLITICS OF THE SOUTH AFRICA RUN: European Shipping and Pretoria RETURN TO THE UN: UN Diplomacy in Regional Conflicts SOUTH AFRICA, THE COLONIAL POWERS AND ‘AFRICAN DEFENCE’: The Rise and Fall of the White Entente, 1948–60 TALKING TO THE ENEMY: How States without ‘Diplomatic Relations’ Communicate TILKIDOM AND THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE: The Letters of Gerald Fitzmaurice to George Lloyd

10.1057/9781137445520 - Diplomacy, G.R. Berridge

Copyright material from www.palgraveconnect.com - licensed to Stockholm University Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-08-12

DIPLOMACY AT THE UN (co-editor with A. Jennings)

Diplomacy 5th edition G. R. Berridge Emeritus Professor of International Politics, University of Leicester, UK Senior Fellow, DiploFoundation

10.1057/9781137445520 - Diplomacy, G.R. Berridge

Copyright material from www.palgraveconnect.com - licensed to Stockholm University Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-08-12

Theory and Practice

© G. R. Berridge 2015

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