Global and Local Televangelism
An exploration of the many faces of televangelism in our world today, including Christian, Islamic and Hindu. The collection analyses the correspondences and major differences between global and local televangelism, focusing on the main individuals involv
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Global and Local Televangelism Edited by
Pradip Ninan Thomas Philip Lee
10.1057/9781137264817 - Global and Local Televangelism, Edited by Pradip Ninan Thomas and Philip Lee
Copyright material from - licensed to New York University - Waldmann Dental Library - PalgraveConnect - 2016-03-14
Copyright material from - licensed to New York University - Waldmann Dental Library - PalgraveConnect - 2016-03-14
Global and Local Televangelism
10.1057/9781137264817 - Global and Local Televangelism, Edited by Pradip Ninan Thomas and Philip Lee
Also by Pradip Ninan Thomas
POLITICAL ECONOMY OF COMMUNICATIONS IN INDIA: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly NEGOTIATING COMMUNICATION RIGHTS: Case Studies from India DIGITAL INDIA: Information, Communication and Social Change
Also by Philip Lee COMMUNICATING PEACE: Entertaining Angels Unawares MANY VOICES, ONE VISION: The Right to Communicate in Practice (edited) REQUIEM: Here’s Another Fine Mass You’ve Gotten Me Into THE DEMOCRATIZATION OF COMMUNICATION (edited)
10.1057/9781137264817 - Global and Local Televangelism, Edited by Pradip Ninan Thomas and Philip Lee
Copyright material from - licensed to New York University - Waldmann Dental Library - PalgraveConnect - 2016-03-14
STRONG RELIGION, ZEALOUS MEDIA: Christian Fundamentalism & Communications in India
Edited by
Pradip Ninan Thomas University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Philip Lee World Association for Christian Communication, Toronto, ON, Canada
10.1057/9781137264817 - Global and Local Televangelism, Edited by Pradip Ninan Thomas and Philip Lee
Copyright material from - licensed to New York University - Waldmann Dental Library - PalgraveConnect - 2016-03-14
Global and Local Televangelism
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