MRS Book Publishing Program Expands

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Figure 6. Mossbauer spectrum of the amorphous metal FesoBzo- The stick diagram (a,/},a,6,E,r)) represents the average hyperfine field. The solid line represents the sum of the subspectra. 10

1. R.L. Mossbauer, Z. Phys. 151 (1958) p. 124. 2. B.S. Clausen, S. M o r u p , H. Topsoe, and R . C a n d i a J . Phys. Colloq. 37, C6-249 (1 976). 3. H. Topsoe, in Surface Properties and Catalysis hy Non-Metals: Oxides, Sulfides, and Other Transition Metal Compounds, edited by J.P. Bonnelle, B. Delmon, and E. Derouane (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1983) p. 329. 4. C. Wivel, R. Candia, B.S. Clausen, S. M o r u p , and H. Topsoe, /. Catal. 68(1981) p. 453. 5. H . P o l l a k , M . D e C o s t e r , a n d S. Amelinckx, in Mossbauer Effect, edited by D.M.J. C o m p t o n and D. Sehuen (Wiley, New York, 1962) p. 298. 6. M . D . Dyar, American Mineralogist, 70 (1985) p. 304. 7. C.L. Chien and T. Hasegawa, j. Phys. Colloq. 37, C6-759 (1976). 8. C.L. C h i e n , D. Musser, E.M. Gregory, R.C. Sherwood, H.S. Chen, F.E. Luborsky, andJ.L. Walter, Phys. Rev. B 2 0 ( l 979) p. 283. 9. U. Gonser and R. Preston, in Classy Metals 11, edited by H. Beck and J.-J. G u n t h e r o d t (Springer-Verlag, West Germany 1983) p. 93. 10. U. Gonser, in Atomic Energy Review, Supplement No. 7 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1981) p. 203.

MRS Book Publishing Program Expands New Conference Proceedings Series Established, New Ne Titles Sought The Materials Research Society has recently expanded its book publishing program to include proceedings and other v o l u m e s s p a n n i n g i m p o r t a n t materials research f r o m sources other than MRS meetings. " A great deal of valuable scientific w o r k is underway that the MRS publishing program wants to make available to M R S members. The new MRS Conference Proceedings series has been established to do just that in a timely way," according to M R S Publications Committee Chairman D.R. Campbell. The first volume in the new series, Tungsten and Other Refractory Metals for VLSI Applications, edited by R.S. Blewer, was published in 1986. T o follow in early 1987 is the proceedings of the most recent w o r k s h o p on this subject. Also scheduled for publication is the proceedings f r o m the 7th International Conference on T e r n a r y and M u l t i n a r y Compounds, held in late 1986. According to Campbell, approximately four additional volumes in

the new series are also anticipated during the next year. The series maintains the high standards set for the Society's o w n Symposia Proceedings series, explained P.P. P r o n k o , C h a i r m a n of the MRS Subcommittee on Books. Each book is reviewed by the Publications Committee for relevance to the Society, and selected titles are peer reviewed and published w i t h i n 4-6 months f o l l o w i n g the meeting. "Tungsten and Other Refractory Metals for VLSI Applications, which includes the proceedings of both the 1984 and 1985 workshops, has been extremely well received, indicating to us that this program is fulf