MRS BULLETIN Seeks Contributions

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The Editorial Board under the direction of Elton Kaufmann is seeking contributions such as technical reviews, news items and activities of interest to the membership. The B U L L E T I N is g r o w i n g rapidly, but still needs assistance from the materials c o m m u n i t y to provide more thorough and responsible reports. MRS members and other readers are encouraged to contribute items in any of the following areas.

Technical Reviews Short technical reviews w r i t t e n in a clear expository manner w i t h abbreviated reference citations and uncomplicated cameraready i l l u s t r a t i o n s are sought. Articles should be a maximum of three published B U L L E T I N pages (4,500 words or equivalent). C o n t r i b u t i o n s by professionals w h o can bring perspective to a field of endeavor while describing research of current interest are particularly welcome.

Guest Editorials One-page editorials or commentaries on issues of c u r r e n t i n t e r e s t are i n v i t e d . V o l u n t a r y con tribut ions and recommendations of other potential contributors are sought.

Obituaries The passing of a colleague should be noted in the B U L L E T I N in a timely manner by inclusion of an obituary prepared by colleagues w h o can highlight the career history and contributions of the deceased.

Book Reviews Persons interested in providing a thought-

ful review of a newly published volume on materials science and technology may obtain a list of books made available to the Editorial Board by major science publishers. Reviewers may also suggest other titles they wish to critique.

Personal Notes Job changes, awards, promotions, major contract awards, and similar news items of interest to the readership are invited. Members are encouraged to contribute this i n f o r m a t i o n (along w i t h the name and telephone number of a person w h o can be contacted for f u r t h e r information on the story). Readers are also encouraged to tell their organization's public relations department of the BULLETIN'S desire to receive news releases from them on similar news items. Photographs related to the stories will also be considered for publication.

Situations Wanted The B U L L E T I N will publish "Situations W a n t e d " announcements free for MRS members. Experience indicates that use of this confidential forum is an effective means of reaching prospective employers. Messages are to be no more than 75 words and will be published in the earliest available issue of the B U L L E T I N . Organizations may purchase advertising space for "Positions Available" notices.

Letters to the Editor The B U L L E T I N will print signed letters f r o m readers on topics of interest. The Editor reserves the right toedit submissions

for style and space limitations, but w i l l endeavor to preserve the writer's words and intent as far as possible.

Society News The B U L L E T I N is still the primary vehicle for reporting news and announcements of MRS activities on the local, national, and international level. Local Sections, Stude