Recent Developments in the Algebraic, Analytical, and Topological Theory of Semigroups
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Vol. 817: L Gemtzen. M. van der Put, Schottky Groups and Mumford Curves. VIII, 317 pages. 1980.
Vol. 788: Topology Sympos1um, S1egen 1979. Proceedmgs, 1979. Edited by U. Koschorke and W. D. Neumann. VIII, 495 pages. 1980.
Vol. 818: S. Montgomery, F1xed Rings of Fmite Automorphism Groups of Associative Rings. VII, 126 pages. 1980.
Vol. 789: J. E. Humphreys, Arithmetic Groups. VII, 158 pages. 1980.
Vol. 819: Global Theory of Dynamical Systems. Proceedings, 1979. Edited by Z. Nitecki and C. Robinson. IX, 499 pages. 1980.
Vol. 790: W. Dicks, Groups, Trees and ProjeCtive Modules. IX, 127 pages. 1980.
Vol. 820: W. Abikoff, The Real Analytic Theory of Teichmuller Space. VII, 144 pages. 1980.
Vol. 791: K. W. Bauer and S. Ruscheweyh, Differential Operators for Partial Differential Equations and Function Theoretic Applications. V, 258 pages. 1980.
Vol. 821: Statistique non Param€trique Asymptotique. Proceedings, 1979. Edited by J.-P. Raoult. VII. 175 pages. 1980.
Vol. 792: Geometry and Differential Geometry. Proceedings, 1979. Edited by R. Artzy and I. Vaisman. VI, 443 pages. 1980.
Vol. 822: Seminaire P1erre Lelong-Henri Skoda. (Analyse) Annees 1978/79. Proceedings. Edited by P. Lelong et H. Skoda. VIII, 356 pages, 1980.
Vol. 793: J. Renault, A Groupoid Approach to C'-Aigebras. Ill, 160 pages. 1980.
Vol. 823: J. Kral, Integral Operalors in Potential Theory. Ill, 171 pages. 1980.
Vol. 794: Measure Theory, Oberwolfach 1979. Proceedmgs 1979. Edited by D. Kolzow. XV, 573 pages. 1980.
Vol. 824: D. Frank Hsu, Cyclic Neof1elds and Combinatorial Designs. VI, 230 pages. 1980.
Vol. 795: Seminaire d'Aigebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin. Proceedmgs 1979. Edited by M. P. Malliavin. V, 433 pages. 1980.
Vol. 825: Rmg Theory, Antwerp 1980. Proceedings. Ed1ted by F. van Oystaeyen. VII, 209 pages. 1980.
Vol. 796: C. Constantinescu, Duality in Measure Theory. IV, 197 pages. 1980.
Vol. 826: Ph. G. Clarlet et P. Rabier, Les Equations de von Karman. VI, 181 pages. 1980.
Vol. 797: S. Maki, The Determination of Units 1n Real Cyclic Sex!lc Fields. Ill, 198 pages. 1980.
Vol. 827: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equatrons. Proceedings, 1978. Edited by W. N. Event!. XVI, 271 pages. 1980.
Vol. 798: Analytic Functions, Kozubn1k 1979. Proceedings. Edited by J.-t.awrynow1cz. X, 476 pages. 1980.
Vol. 828: Probability Theory on Vector Spaces II. Proceedings, 1979. Ed1ted by A. Weron. XIII, 324 pages. 1980.
Vol. 799: Functional Differential Equations and Bifurcation. ProceedIngs 1979. Ed1ted by A. F.lze. XXII. 409 pages. 1980.
Vol. 829: Combinatorial Mathematics VII. Proceedings, 1979. Ed1ted by R. W. Robmson et al.. X, 256 pages. 1980.
Vol. 800: M.-F. V1gneras, Anthmetique des Algebres de Ouaternions. VII, 169 pages. 1980.
Vol. 830: J. A. Green, Polynom1al Representations of GLn- VI, 118 pages. 1980.
Vol. 801: K. Floret, Weakly Compact Sets. VII, 123 pages. 1980. Vol. 802: J. Bair, R. Fourneau, Etude Geometrique des Espaces Vectonels II. VII, 283 pages. 1980. Vol. 803: F.-Y. Maeda, Dirichlet Integrals on Harmon1c Spaces.