Sampling Inner Experience in Disturbed Affect
Following up on his groundbreaking 1990 work Sampling Normal and Schizophrenic Inner Experience, Dr. Hurlburt delineates the development of his descriptive sampling method across numerous case studies of depressed, anxious, bulimic, and borderline persona
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EMOTIONS, PERSONALITY, AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Series Editors: Carroll E. Izard, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware and Jerome L. Singer, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut Recent volumes in theseries THE COGNITIVE FOUNDATIONS OF PERSONALITY TRAITS Shulamith Kreitler and Hans Kreitler GUIDED AFFECTIVE IMAGERY WITH CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Hanscarl Leuner, Gunther Hom, and Edda Kleissmann IMAGERY AND VISUAL EXPRESSION IN THERAPY Vija Bergs Lusebrink LANGUAGE IN PSYCHOTHERAPY: Strategies of Discovery Edited by Robert 1. Russell THE PSYCHOBIOLOGY OF EMOTIONS Jack George Thompson THE PSYCHOLOGY OF EMOTIONS Carroll E. Izard QUANTIFYING CONSCIOUSNESS: An Empirical Approach Ronald J. Pekala SAMPLING INNER EXPERIENCE IN DISTURBED AFFECT Russell T. Hurlburt SAMPLING NORMAL AND SCHIZOPHRENIC INNER EXPERIENCE Russell T. Hurlburt THE TRANSFORMED SELF: The Psychology of Religious Conversion Chana Ullman A Continuation Plan is available for this series. A continuation order will bring delivery of each new volume immediately upon publication. Volumes are billed only upon actual shipment. For further information please contact the publisher.
Sampling Inner Experience in Disturbed Affect Russell T. Hurlburt University afNevada, Las Vegas Las Vegas, Nevada
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
Library of Congress CatalogIng-In-PublicatIon Data
Hurlburt . Russell T. SamplIng Inner experIence In dIsturbed affect I Russell T. Hurlburt. p. cm. - - (EmotIons. personalIty. and psychothe rapy) Includes bIblIographIca l references and Inde x. 1. DepressIon. Menta l--Psycholog lcal aspects --Case stud Ies . 2. Borderline personal i ty d lso rde r --Psychologlcal aspects--Case s tud Ies. 3 . Anxle ty --Psycho log 1cal aspects --Case s t ud Ies. 4. Bullm 1a--Psycholog 1cal aspects--Case s tud Ies . 5. I ntrospec t lon-Case studIes. 6. Content (Psychology > I . TIt le. II. TItle : Inner exper Ience . III . SerIes. RC454.4.H87 1993 93-10777 616 .85'27--dc20 CIP
Cover art by James B. Krizman ISBN 978-1-4899 - 1224-4 ISBN 978-1-4899-1222-0 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-1222-0
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 1993 Originally publ ished by Plenum Press, New York in 1993. Softcover reprint of the hardcover Ist edition 1993
All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any fonn or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written pennission from the Publisher
To my wife
The descriptive experience sampling method described in the present book and its predecessor (Hurlburt, 1990)is a new method of examining inner experience that focuses attention on the details of people's everyday thoughts and feelings to an extent perhaps never before realized. The result of such a focus is the ability to draw some unanticipated (albeit tentative) general conclusions about people. The description of those particulars and their generalizations are the topics of this book. It is perhaps not coincidental that researc