Surgery in Solitary Kidney and Corrections of Urinary Transport Disturbances
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Volume Editors
L. Spitz, London
P. Wurnig, Vienna Th. A. Angerpointner, Munich
With 136 Figures and 34 Tables
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo
Professor LEWIS SPITZ, PhD , FRCS Nuffield Professor of Pediatric Surgery, Institute of Child Health 30 Guilford Street, London WC1N IEH , United Kingdom , and Consultant Pediatric Surgeon , Hospital for Sick Children Great Ormond Street , London , WCIN 3JH, United Kingdom Primarius Professor Dr. PETER WURNIG Chirurgische Abteilung des Mautner Markhofschen Kinderspitals der Stadt Wien, Baumgasse 75, 1030 Vienna , Austria Priv.-Doz. Dr. ThOMAS A. ANGERPOIIITNER Kinderchirurgische Klinik im Dr. von Haunerschen Kinderspital LindwurmstraBe 4, 8000 Munich 2, Federal Republic of Germany
Volumes 1- 17 of this series were published by Urban & Schwarzenberg, Baltimo re-Munich ISBN-13 :978-3-642-74243-9 e- ISBN-13: 978-3-642-7424 1-5 DOl : 10.1007/978-3-642-74241 -5 Library of QlDg~$$·Publication Data Surgery in solitary kidney and corrections of urinary transport disturbances I volume editon. L. Spin;, P. Wumig, Th . A. Angerpointner. p. em. - (Progress in pediatric surgery; v. 23) Includes bibliographies and index. tSBN-I3:978-3-642-74243-9 (U .S.) 1. Genito. urinary 0'8lD! - Surgery. 2. Children - Surgery. 3. Pediatric urology. I. SpilZ, Lewis. II . Wurnig, Peter. III. Angerpoinlner, Tbomas. [ONLM: I. Genitalia - surgery . 2. Kidney - surgcry. 3. Surgery. Plastic - in infancy & dtildhood. 4. Urinary Diversion - in infancy &: childhood. WI PR 6TIKA v. 23/ WJ 368 5961) RDI37.AIP7 vol.2l [RD571) 617'.98 $- dcI9 [617'.46) DNLM/O Le 88-354TI This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or pan of the mate· rial is wncemw , s))"cifically the righlSoftranslation, reprinting, re use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, ~ produelion on microfilms or in o ther ways, and $torage in data banks. Duplica· tion of this publicatioo Or parts thereof is on ly ))"rmitled under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9. 1965, in its version of June 24, 1985, and a copyright fee must always be paid. ViolatiOl1$ fall under the prosecution ael of the German Copyright Law. CI Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989 Softco\'cr repri m or the hardcover 1st ediion 1989 The usc of registered naml'$, trademarks, etc. in this publication docs not imply , even in the abo &cnce of a s))"cific statement, that sucb names are e xempt from the relevant protective laW!! and "'gulations and therefo", free for ge neral u&c . Product liability: The publisher can give no guarantee for information about drug dosage and applic.ation thereof containw in this book. Inevery individual case tbe res))"cti~e u&cr must ch«k its accuracy by consulting other pbarmaceu tical literature.
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Table of Contents
Part I: Surgery in Solitary Kidney Value of Ultrasound in the Treatment of Solitary Kidneys in Infancy and Childhood. H.-J.BEYER, V. HOFMANN, and D. BRETISCHNEIDER. With 11 Figures