TMS meeting headlines
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Other Meetings of Note TMS Learning Pathways: Advanced Materials Manufacturing November 9–11, 2020 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA The 11th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts (MOLTEN 2021) February 21–25, 2021 Seoul, South Korea 6th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2021) April 18–22, 2021 Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA Solidification Course 2021 May 30–June 4, 2021 Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland The 12th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications (Mg 2021) June 15–18, 2021 Montreal, Canada The 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2021) July 25–30, 2021 Columbus, Ohio, USA The 14th International Symposium on Superalloys (Superalloys 2021) September 12–16, 2021 Seven Springs, Pennsylvania, USA Additive Manufacturing Benchmarks (AM-Bench 2022) August 15–18, 2022 Bethesda, Maryland, USA
TMS meeting headlines Meeting dates and locations are current as of July 22. For the most up-to-date list of TMS-sponsored events, visit
March 14–18, 2021 Orlando World Center Marriott Orlando, Florida, USA Registration Opens Soon! • TMS will celebrate 150 years of bringing together engineers, scientists, business leaders, and other professionals in the minerals, metals, and materials ¿HOGVIRUDFRPSUHKHQVLYHFURVV disciplinary exchange of technical knowledge at the TMS 2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2021). • Learn how you can get the most out of TMS2021 with the Insider’s Guide to the $QQXDO0HHWLQJYLGHRVHULHVDYDLODEOH in the Attendee Toolbox section of the conference website. • Book housing at the Orlando World Center Marriott for a stay at the FRQYHQLHQWVHOIFRQWDLQHGUHVRUWZKHUH all TMS2021 technical programming, exhibit, committee meetings, and social functions will be held.
June 29–July 2, 2021 Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill Washington, D.C., USA Abstract Submission Deadline: October 30, 2020 • Originally set for 2020, the 5th International Congress on 3D Materials Science (3DMS 2021) is now planned for 2021 and has reopened a call for abstracts. Technical topics include: methods for materials simulation and modeling; materials dynamics in 'PDFKLQHOHDUQLQJSURFHVVLQJ PLFURVWUXFWXUHSURSHUW\UHODWLRQVKLSVLQ 3D; and more. Share your work today!
September 19–22, 2021 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Abstract Submission Deadline: January 8, 2021 • Submit an abstract to the Liquid Metal Processing & Casting Conference 2021 (LMPC 2021), which presents a blend of academic and industrial papers on topics including DGYDQFHVLQFRQWUROVDQGSURFHVV simulation, ingot defect formation and characterization studies, and SURFHVVSDUDPHWHUPDWHULDOSURSHUWLHV characterization. • Exhibitor and sponsorship RSSRUWXQLWLHVDUHDYDLODEOH([SDQG \RXUYLVLELOLW\DPRQJGHFLVLRQPDNHUV LQWKH¿HOG9LVLWWKHFRQIHUHQFH w
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