Seventeenth Century Europe State, Conflict and the Social Order in E
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Seventeenth Century Europe State, Conflict and the Socia! Order in Europe
History of Europe Published Seventeenth Century Europe 1598-1700 Thomas Munck Eighteenth Century Europe 1700-1789 Jeremy Black Forthcoming Early Medieval Europe 400-1000 Roger Collins Medieval Europe 1000-1250 Randall Rogers Sixteenth Century Europe 1500-1600 Richard Mackenney Nineteenth Century Europe 1789-1914 Alan Sked Twentieth Century Europe 1915-1986 Anthony Adamthwaite
History of Europe
Seventeenth Century Europe State, Conflict and the Social Order in Europe 1598~1700
Thomas Munck
Macmillan Education
ISBN 978-0-333-28641-8 ISBN 978-1-349-20626-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-20626-1
© Thomas Munck 1990 Softcover reprint of the hardcover Ist edition 1990 All rights reserved. For information, write: Scholarly and Reference Division, St. Martin's Press, Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010 First published in the United St.tes of Americ. in 1990 ISBN 978-0-312-04011-6 cloth ISBN 978-0-312-04012-3 paper Ubrary of Congress C.taloging-in-Publication D.t. Munck, Thomas Seventeenth century Europe : state, conflict, .nd the sodal order in Europe; 1598-1700 I Thomas Munck. p. cm.-(History of Europe) Includes bibliographie.1 references. ISBN 978-0-312-04011-6.-ISBN 978-0-312-04012-3 (pbk.) I. Europe-History-17th century. I. Tide. 11. Series: History of Europe (SI. Martin's Press) D246.M86 1990 940.2'2-dc20 89-10893 CIP
Chronology of main events 1598-1700 Acknowledgments xxi Introduction xxiii Maps xxx
1 The Thirty Years War in the German lands The German lands before 1618 2 Bohemia and the Rhine (1617-28) 7 Christian IV, Gustav Adolf and Wallenstein (1625-30) Gustav Adolf and Swedish grand designs (1629-34) The elusiveness of peace (1634-48) 20 23 The consequences of war and pe ace
2 Government in wartime Europe
Tax collection and war 35 The restored monarchy and the Huguenots in France 39 The indispensable first minister: Richelieu and 43 Louis XIII Tension and revolt in France in the 1630s 45 Castile and the Spanish system 49 Olivares: integration or disintegration? 51 Sweden and the challenge of empire 56 Christian IV and 'elective absolutism' in Denmark 62 Crown and parliament in England 66 70 Charles land the abandonment of consensus politics Scotland and the Long Parliament 74
3 The framework of life
Population and food supply 82 The demographie effects of disease 90 The impact of war 94 97 Prices and wages The family 99 103 Occupations and wealth distribution Sodal and geographic mobility 106 v
4 Enterprise and profit
Finance 112 Industry and trade 115 Regions in the European economy: the Mediterranean recession 117 The growth of the north-west 121 The frontier in the east 128 The pre-industrial economy: the west and the Ottoman Empire 132
5 The structure of society: nobility and officeholders 137 Tradition and noble status 139 The 'crisis of the aristocracy' 145 The French nobility and the crown 148 Ennoblement and the sale of offices in the west 1