Spacecraft Navigation and Guidance

The analysis and computational techniques associated with the navigation and guidance of spacecraft are now in a mature state of development. However the documentation has remained dispersed throughout conference papers, journals, company and contract rep

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London Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Budapest Hong Kong Milan Paris

Santa Clara Singapore Tokyo

Other titles published in this Series: Microcomputer-Based Adaptive Control Applied to Thyristor-Driven D-C Motors Ulrich Keuchel and Richard M. Stephan

Expert Aided Control System Design Colin Tebbutt

Modeling and Advanced Control for Process Industries, Applications to Paper Making Processes Ming Rao, Qijun Xia and Yiquan Ying

Modelling and Simulation ofPower Generation Plants

A.W. Ordys. A.W. Pike, M.A. Johnson, R.M. Katebi and M.J. Grimble

Model Predictive Control in the Process Industry E.F. Camacho and C. Bordons

HooAerospace Control Design: A VSTOL Flight Application R.A.Hyde

Neural Network Engineering in Dynamic Control Systems

Edited by Kenneth Hunt, George Irwin and Kevin Warwick

Neuro-Control and its Applications

Sigeru Omatu, Marzuki Khalid and Rubiyah Yusof

Energy Efficient Train Control P.G. Howlett and P.J. Pudney

Hierarchical Power Systems Control: Its Value in a Changing Industry Marija D. Illc and Shell Liu

System Identification and Robust Control Steen T0ffner-Clausen

Genetic Algorithms for Control and Signal Processing

K.F. Man, K.S. Tang, S. Kwong and W.A. Halang

Advanced Control ofSolar Plants

E.F. Camacho, M. Berenguel and F.R. Rubio

Control ofModern Integrated Power Systems E. Mariani and S.S. Murthy

Advanced Load Dispatch for Power Systems: Principles, Practices and Economies E. Mariani and S.S. Murthy

Supervision and Control for Industrial Processes Bjorn Sohlberg

Modelling and Simulation ofHuman Behaviour in System Control Pietro Carlo Cacciabue

Modelling and Identification in Robotics Krzysztof Kozlowski

Maxwell Noton

Spacecraft Navigation and Guidance With 34 Figures

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Dr Maxwell Noton Independent Consultant, formerly of British Aerospace - Space Systems and NASA 1PL.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Noton, Maxwell Spacecraft navigation and guidance. - (Advances in industrial control) I.Navigation (Astronautics) 2.0rbital mechanics I.Title 629.4'742 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Noton, Maxwe11, 1928Spacecraft navigation and guidance I Maxwell Noton. p. em. -- (Advances in industrial control) ISBN-13: 978-1-4471-1585-4 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4471-1583-0 DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4471-1583-0 1. Navigation (Astronautics) 2. Space vehic1es--Guidance systems. I. Title. II. Series. TLI065.N68 1998 97-53165 629.47'42--dc21 elP

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