Technical Journals on Materials Science

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Technical Journals on Materials Science T w e n t y years ago, f o u r new technical journals covering materials science began publication w i t h i n seven months of each other. The b i r t h of so many publicationson a single topic in such a short time surely heralded the realization w i t h i n the technical c o m m u n i t y that materials science had converged as a separate scientific discipline f r o m the fringes of many related fields of science and engineering. F i r s t to appear was the Journal of Materials Science, published by Chapman and Hall in London, w i t h the first issue dated February 1966. The first issue of the Journal of Materials, published by the American Society of Testingand Materials, appeared in March 1966. Materials Science and Engineering, published by the Elsevier Publishing Co. of A m s t e r d a m , appeared in M a y 1966. V o l u m e 1, N u m b e r 1 of Permagon Press' Materials Research Bulletin was first published in September 1966. A t that t i m e , e d i t o r s of Journal of Materials Science perceived that there was a "gap in the literature, and it is hindering the development of materials science for it to go unfilled." The journal's stated purpose was to " p r o m o t e an inter—disciplinary approach to the study of the relationships between the structure properties and uses of materials." They cited three reasons for the new journal: (1) Papers on materials were scattered among a variety of journals. (2) There was no "self—evident" place for publication of research on composite materials, conventional materials in u n conventional forms (fine powders, thin films, supercooled metastable alloys, devitrified glasses), and mate rials on which unusual demands are made (plasma containers, laser crystals, plates for t h e r m i onic generators or fuel cells). (3) There was a need for more papers on all materials to be presented in a way understandable by specialists w o r k i n g on other materials. The chairman of its initial editorial board wasR.W. Cahn* of the University of Sussex. The premiere issue of Journal of M a terials was edited by A . Q . M o w b r a y , w i t h E.C.Shuman as the chairman of the A S T M C o m m i t t e e on Papers and Publicat ion sand G.A. Wilson, director of publications. It contained no i n t r o d u c t o r y statement of purpose. Materials Science and Engineering was i n t e n d e d to p r o v i d e " a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l medium for the publication of theoretical and experimental studies and reviews of properties of materials, related both to their structure and engineering applicat i o n . " Showing the breadth of its expectations, the publication listed a gamut of PAGE 26, M R S B U L L E T I N , J U L Y / A U G U S T 1986

materials of interest: crystalline and noncrystalline solids, organic and inorganic polymers, glasses, composite materials, liquids, vapors, plasmas. "Particular importance w i l l be placed on studies of how useful properties may be developed t h r o u g h control of the arrangem e n t of molecules, atoms and sm