Television Audiences Across the World Deconstructing the Ratings Mac

This book is the first to deal with the world composition of television ratings. It focuses on the peoplemeter, a 25 year old technology which succeeds in homogenizing very different populations and television practices. It provides a fascinating account

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elevision Audiences Across the World Deconstructing the Ratings Machine

Edited by


Jérôme Bourdon and Cécile Méadel


10.1057/9781137345103 - Television Audiences Across the World, Edited by Jérôme Bourdon and Cécile Méadel

Copyright material from - licensed to New York University - Waldmann Dental Library - PalgraveConnect - 2016-03-04

Television Audiences Across the World

Also by Jérôme Bourdon Histoire de la télévision sous de Gaulle Introduction aux Médias (Italian and Portuguese translation) Le Récit Impossible. Le conflit israélo-palestinien et les médias Du service public à la télé-réalité, une histoire culturelle des télévisions européennes (Italian translation forthcoming) Also by Cécile Méadel Quantifier le public. Histoire des mesures d’audience à la radio et à la television Histoire de la radio des années trente. De l’auditeur au sans-filiste Governance, Regulations and Power on the Internet


10.1057/9781137345103 - Television Audiences Across the World, Edited by Jérôme Bourdon and Cécile Méadel

Copyright material from - licensed to New York University - Waldmann Dental Library - PalgraveConnect - 2016-03-04

Haute fidélité, pouvoir et télévision

Deconstructing the Ratings Machine Edited by

Jérôme Bourdon Tel Aviv University, Israel


Cécile Méadel Mines ParisTech, France


10.1057/9781137345103 - Television Audiences Across the World, Edited by Jérôme Bourdon and Cécile Méadel

Copyright material from - licensed to New York University - Waldmann Dental Library - PalgraveConnect - 2016-03-04

Television Audiences Across the World

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