The Evolution of Economic Systems Essays in Honor of Ota Sik

Honouring Ota Sik's economics, political life, and his social and humane concerns, this book brings together contributions from economists from East and West. It examines principally the evolution of different economic systems.

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ata Sik. 1987

(photo by foto lautenschlager. St Gallen, Switzerland)

The Evolution of Economic Systems Essays in Honor of Ota Sik Edited by

Kurt Dopfer

Professor of Economics University of St. Gallen, Switzerland and

Karl-F. Raible

Assistant to Ota Sik University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Palgrave Macmillan

ISBN 978-1-349-11155-8

ISBN 978-1-349-11153-4 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-11153-4


Kurt Dopfer and Karl-F. Raible, 1990 Softcover reprint of the hardcover I st edition 1990

All rights reserved. For information, write: Scholarly and Reference Division, St. Martin's Press, Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010 First published in the United States of America in 1990

ISBN 978-0-312-04497-8 Library of Congress CataIoging-in-Publication Data The evolution of economic systems: essays in honor of Ota Sik/ edited by Kurt Dopfer and Karl-F. Raible. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-0-312-04497-8 1. Comparative economics. 2. Capitalism. 3. CentraI planning-Communist countries. 4. Communist countries-Economic policy. 5. Sik, Ota, 1919-. I. Dopfer, Kurt. II. Raible, Kar! -F. 111. Sik, Ota, 1919HB90.E96 1990 338.9'009171'7-dc20 89-70274 CIP

Contents jrontispiece

Ota Sik


List of Figures Preface


Notes on the Contributors


1 Introduction: Sik's Third Way of Economic Evolution Kurt Dopfer


Part I An Interdisciplinary View 2 Changing Priorities Jan Tinbergen


3 Limitations to the Interdependence of Systems Gerhard Schwarz


4 Economics, Environment and the Faustian Imperative Hans Christoph Binswanger, Malte Faber and Reiner Manstetten


5 Systems Reproduction in Interdisciplinary Perspective Leonhard Bauer and Herbert Matis


6 Why Some Reforms Succeed Gerhard O. Mensch


7 A Cognitive-evolutionary Theory of Economic Policy Alfred Meier and Susanne Haury


Part 11 The Evolution of Market Systems: (1) Principal Aspects of Market Evolution 8 Evolution and Stagnation of Economic Systems Ernst Heuss 9 The Self-organisation of the Economy Michael Hutter

91 100 111

10 Evolution and Innovation Jochen Röpke


vi 11

Contents Waves in Long-term Economie Development Rene Hältsehi and Christian Roekstroh


Part 11 The Evolution of Market Systems: (2) Reproduction,Institutions and Governmental Planning

12 Plan, Market and Banking f.A. Kregel


13 The Market and the Classieal Theory of Priees Bertram Sehejold


14 Some Thoughts on Plan and Market Alee Nove


15 An Institutionalist View of the Evolution of Economie Systems Mare R. Tool


Part 111 The Evolution of Planning Systems: (1) General Evolution of Planning Systems 16

Socialist Experience and Ota Sik's Third Way

ffr( Kosta

17 Soeialism as a Soeio-eeonomie System Branko Horvat 18 On the Reformability of the Soviet-type Eeonomie Systems Leszek Baleerowiez 19 Strategie Reappraisal and Short-term Adjustment: The External Eeonomie Poliey of Socialist Countries at the Crossroads Andrds Inotai 20 The Teehnologieal Gap in the CMEA Countries: Missing Ineentives Friedrieh Levcik