Wittgenstein within the Philosophy of Religion
The commonly held view that Wittgensteinian philosophy of religion is fideistic loses plausibility when contrasted with recent scholarship on Wittgenstein's corpus and biography. This book reevaluates the place of Wittgenstein in the philosophy of religio
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Wittgenstein within the Philosophy of Religion Thomas D. Carroll Xing Wei College, People’s Republic of China
© Thomas D. Carroll 2014
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2014 978-1-137-40789-4
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For Don and Joy
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Introduction: On Reading Wittgenstein on Religion
1 Problems of Interpretive Authority in Wittgenstein’s Corpus 1.1 Sources for Wittgenstein and philosophy of religion 1.1.1 Sources primarily concerned with phenomena of religions 1.1.2 Private sources of remarks on religions 1.1.3 Sources that are otherwise relevant to philosophy of religion 1.2 Interpretive schemes and Wittgenstein’s corpus 2 Wittgenstein, Biography, and Religious Identity 2.1 The uses of biography in philosophical study 2.2 Wittgenstein and religiosity 2.3 The Tractatus, the mystical and Wittgenstein’s ethic of perspicuity 2.4 Perspicuity about Wittgenstein’s religious identity 2.5 Conclusion 3 A History of Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Religion 3.1 Philosophy of religion during the first half of the twentieth century 3.2 Philosophy of religion influenced by Wittgenstein 3.2.1 The influence of the Tractatus 3.2.2 The influence of Wittgenstein’s later philosophy 3
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