An unsuspected ameloblastoma in the subpontic region of the mandible with consideration of pathogenesis from the radiogr

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Eur J Med Res (2010) 15: 135-138

135 © I. Holzapfel Publishers 2010

An UnsUsPEctEd AMEloblAstoMA In tHE sUbPontIc REgIon of tHE MAndIblE wItH consIdERAtIon of PAtHogEnEsIs fRoM tHE RAdIogRAPHIc coURsE c. H. siar 1, K. nakano 2, P. I. chelvanayagam 3, K. H. ng 4, H. nagatsuka 5, t. Kawakami 2 1department of oral Pathology, oral Medicine and Periodontology, faculty of dentistry, University of Malaya, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia, 2 Hard tissue Pathology Unit, Matsumoto dental University graduate school of oral Medicine, shiojiri, Japan, 3 department of oral surgery, faculty of dentistry, University of Health sciences, Phnom Penh, cambodia, 4 formerly Unit of stomatology, cancer Research centre, Institute for Medical Research, Jalan Pahang, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia, 5 department of oral Pathology and Medicine, graduate school of Medicine, dentistry and Pharmaceutical science, okayama

University, okayama, Japan

Abstract the purpose of this report is to document a case of unsuspected ameloblastoma involving the right mandibular subpontic region in a 38-year-old cambodian female patient. this lesion was purportedly preceded by multiple radiolucencies which were diagnosed as radicular cysts and treated a few times in the past years by enucleation followed by endodontic therapy of the affected teeth. bridgework restoration of the partially edentulous area was performed. this case report demonstrates radiographic changes that occurred in the periods before and after the diagnosis of ameloblastoma. the case may represent an example of radicular cysts and ameloblastoma occurring as a collision phenomenon, or the ameloblastoma may have arisen as a result of neoplastic transformation of the lining epithelium in an inflammatory odontogenic epithelial cyst. Key words: unsuspected ameloblastoma, cystic ameloblastoma, small ameloblastoma, radicular cyst, odontogenic cyst, neoplastic transformation

IntRodUctIon the world Health organization defined ameloblastomas as a slowly-growing, locally-invasive odontogenic epithelial neoplasm [1]. It is the second most common odontogenic tumor occurring without gender predilection and affecting a wide age range. the clinical, radiological and histological features of this neoplasm have been well-characterized [1, 2]. the general consensus is that the ameloblastoma originates in the enamel organ and its derivatives as well as in the epithelial lining of developmental odontogenic cysts [1, 3]. Reports of ameloblastoma arising as a consequence of neoplastic transformation of the lining epithelium in an inflammatory odontogenic cyst are virtually unknown. In this report, we present a case of ameloblatoma, which may represent an example of radicular cysts and ameloblastoma occurring as a collision phenomenon, or perhaps the ameloblastoma arose as a result of neoplastic transformation of the lining epithelium in an inflammatory odontogenic epithelial cyst.

cAsE REPoRt Histor y of present complaint: In January 2007, a 38year-old cambodian female patient presented t