Application of CFD-Techniques in Fluid Machinery

The CFD-techniques being applied for the simulation of the operating behaviour and performance prediction as well as the design optimisation of fluid machinery are described and briefly discussed. Then, the developed CFD-codes are applied to predict the p

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Janos Vad ·Tamas Lajos Rudolf Schilling (Eds.)

Modelling Fluid Flow The State of the Art With 281 Figures


Janos Vad Department of Fluid Mechanics Budapest University of Technology and Economics Bertalan Lajos u.4-6 H- llli Budapest Hungary Tamas Lajos Department of Fluid Mechanics Budapest University of Technology and Economics Bertalan Lajos u.4-6 H-llll Budapest Hungary Rudolf Sehilling Lehrstuhl fUr Fluidmechanik. Abteilung Hydraulische Maschinen Technische UnÎversităt MUnchen Boltzmannstr. 15 D-85748 Garching Germany Ubraryof Congress Control Number: 200410667 2

ISBN 978-3-642-06034-2

ISBN 978-3-662-08797-8 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-08797-8

TMs work is subject to copyright. AII righls are reserved, whelher thewhole or part ofthe material is concemed. specifically th e rights of translation, reprinting, reu se of iIIustrations, recitation, broadclSting, reproduction on microfilm or in otherways, andstorage in data bank5. Duplication of this publication or pam thercof is pcrmilted only under the provisions ofthe German Copyright Law of Sepumbtr 9, 1965, in ilS curtenl vers ion, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag Berlin lI eidelbcrg GmbH. Violations are liable to prosecution under German Copyright Law. O Springer-Verlag Berlin Heide1bcrg 2004 Originally publisbed by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York in 2004 Softoover reprint of tbe hardcover isi edition 2004 The use of general descriptive nam es, registered namn, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in thc absence of a specific statement, that such name! arc exempt from the relevant prot«tive laws and regulations and therefore free fo r general ule. Typesetting: Digital data supplied by editors Cover-D esign: medio Technologies AG, Berlin 6213020 Rw 5432 I O Printed on acid-frec paper


This volume, ,Modelling Fluid Flow - State of the Art", presents the invited lectures, summaries of workshops and a selection of papers from the international conference CMFF '03 on fluid technology, organised at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), Hungary, 3 to 6 September 2003. CMFF'03 was the twelfth event of international conference series on fluid flow technologies held in Budapest since 1959. The conference has been organised by the Department of Fluid Mechanics, BUTE, in collaboration with Department of Hydraulic Machines, BUTE; Department of Heat and Fluid Engineering, University of Miskolc; Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineers, Hungary (Flow Technology Section); Committee of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers; and Visualization Society of Japan. The conference attracted almost two-hundred participants from about thirty countries worldwide. The invited lectures follow the evolution and challenges of computational methods and measuring techniques related to fluid flow up to the present days. The workshop summaries reflect the recent trends, remaining questi