Effects of management practices on ecosystem processes in European beech forests
Nutrient cycling in forest gaps has received little attention until now, although gap regeneration is important for natural dynamics and forest management practices in temperate forests. Gaps of 30 m diameter were cut in a mature European beech forest (Fa
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Springer-V erlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH
Achim Dohrenbusch· Norbert Bartsch (Eds.)
Forest Development Succession, Environmental Stress and Forest Management Case 5tudies With 90 Figures and 50 Tabies
Professor Dr. Achim Dohrenbusch University of Gottingen Institute of Silviculture Biisgenweg 1 37077 G6ttingen Germany E-mail: [email protected] Dr . Norbert Bartsch University of G6ttingen Institute of Silviculture Btisgenweg 1 37077 Gottingen Germany E-mail: [email protected] ISBN 978-3-642-62857-3 ISBN 978-3-642-55663-0 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-55663-0 Library of Conguss Cataloging·in-Publication Data Forest developm ent: $uat$Sion, environmental ,tress,and forest management I Achim Doh renbusch, Norbert Bartsch (eds.). p. cm. Includes bibliographkal references. ISBN 978-)-642 -628~7-3 t. Forest management--Germany.l. Forei! «ology--Germany.). Foreit management. 4. Fortst «ology.
1. Dohrenbusch, A. (Achim), 1955- II. Bartsch, Norbert, 19S5SD19S .F6s 1001
111.7S·0943--dcll 1001030131
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http;llwww.springer.de CI Springer-Verllg Berlin Heidelberg 2002 Originally publisbed by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 2002 Sofkover reprint of tbe Iwdoover 1SI edition 2002 The Uie of general descriptive names, registered namu. trademarks, etc. in this publicat ion does nOI imply.even in the absence of a spedfic statemenl. !hal such name, att exemp! from the relevant prot«tive laws and regulations and therefore free for generalusc. Cover Design: Erich Kirchner Typeielling: Camera-ready by the editors SPIN: n006)30
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When in 1989 the interdisciplinary research program "Stability of Ecosystems", coordinated by the Forest Ecosystems Research Centre of the University of Gottingen, was brought into being, twenty years of experience in forest ecological investigations had already been gathered. As the German part of the International Biological Program (IBP), ecosystem research has been carried out since 1966 in the SoIling, an upland region in Northwest Germany. This ecological project, which until now has been the most extensive conducted in Central Europe, was initiated by the vegetation ecologist Heinz Ellenberg and the soil scientist Bernhard Ulrich of the University of Gottingen. In the SoIling project scientists from various disciplines were involved, investigating factors which have an effect on primary and secondary production, biod