Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide (NO) has been discovered to play a fundamental role in a number of biological phenomena. This book describes various aspects of nitric oxide biology, physiology and pharmacology. It is divided into three sections. The first part deals with th
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Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH
Nitric Oxide Contributors l-L. Balligand, T.R. Billiar, C. Bogdan, B. Brune, H. Bult, V. Burkart, R. Busse, A. Costa, T.M. Dawson, V.L. Dawson, VJ. Dzau, M.G. Espey, K. Falke, M. Feelisch , 1. Fleming, U. Forstermann, A. Friebe, 1 Fukuto, 1 Garthwaite, H. Gerlach, S. Ghosh, M.B. Grisham, A.B. Grossman, E. Hackenthal, D. Keh, M.M, Kockx, D. Koesling, G. Kojda, H. Kolb, P.A. MacCarthy, W. Martin, K.E. Matthys, L. McNaughton, K.M. Miranda, lB. Mitchell, S. Moncada, P. Navarra, 1 Parkinson, A. Radomski, M.W. Radomski, D. Rees, K. Sandau, M. Sasaki , G. Sawicki, H.H.H.W. Schmidt, A.M. Shah, DJ. Stuehr, P. Vallance, H.E. von der Leyen, A. von Knethen, E.R. Werner, D.A. Wink, R. Zamora
B. Mayer
Universit ăts-Professor Dr. B ERND M AYER Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Karl-Franzens-University of Graz Unive rsi tă ts platz 2 8010 G raz AUSTRIA e-mail: [email protected]
With 73 Figures and 34 Tables ISBN 978-3-642-63026-2 Library of Co ngress Cata loging-in-Publication Data Nitric oxide / Co ntributors, J-L. BalIigand . . . [et al.]: editor, B. Mayer. p. cm, - (Ha ndbook of experimental pharm acology; v, 143) Includes bibliographical references and inde x.
ISBN 978-3-642-63026-2 ISBN 978-3-642-57077-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-57077-3
1. Nitric oxide- Physiological effect. 2. Nitric oxide- Pathophysiology. 1. Mayer, B. (Bernd), I959II. BalIigand ,J.- L. (Jean-L uc) III . Series. QP535.NI N54I7 2000 99-087335 572'.54 - dc2I
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