Precancerous Conditions and Lesions of the Stomach
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Precancerous Conditions and Lesions of the Stomach With 46 Figures and 19 Tables
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest
Professor Dr. Ying-Chang Zhang Deputy Director Cancer Institute of China Medical University 5-3 Najing Street, Heping District Shenyang, 110001, People's Republic of China Professor Dr. Keiichi Kawai Department of Preventive Medicine Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Kawaramachi Hirokoji Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, 602, Japan
Library of Congress CatalogIng-In-PublicatIOn Data Precancerom, condItIOns and lesIOns of tbe stomach 1 Y -C Zhang, K Jawal (cds) p cm Includes bibliographical references and mdex ISBN-13: 978-3-642-77497-3 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-77495-9 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-77495-9 I Stomach-Precancerous conditions I Zhang, Y-C (YIng-Chang), 1923- " Kawai, Kenchl, 1932[DNLM I Precancerous Conditions 2 Stomach Neoplasms-dIagnosIS WI 320 P9225[ RC280 S8P73 1992 61699'43307I-dc20 DNLMIDLC for Library of Congress 92-2329 CIP ThIS work IS subject to copynght All nghts arc reserved, whether the whole or part of the matenal IS concerned specifically the rights of translatIon, reprintIng, reuse of IllustratIOns, reCitatIOn, broadcastIng, reproductIOn on microfilm or In any other way, and storage In data banks DuplIcatIon of thIS publicatIOn or parts thereof IS permItted only under the provISIons of the German Copynght Law of September 9, 1965, In Its current verSIOn, and permission for use must always be obtaIned from Springer-Verlag VIOlatIOns arc liable for prosecutIOn under the German Copynght Law
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1993 Softeover reprint of the hardcover I s( edition 1993 The use of general descriptIve names, regIStered names, trademarks, etc In thIS publicatIOn does not Imply, even In the absence of a specific statement, that such names arc exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulatIOns and therefore free for general usc Product liabilIty The puhlIshers cannot guarantee the accuracy of any Information about dosage dnd application contaIned In thIS book In every IndIVIdual case the user must check such InformatIOn by consultIng the relevant literature TypesettIng Best-set Typesetter Ltd , Hong Kong 25/3130-5432 t O-Pnnted on aCid-free paper
The strategy adopted for the control of gastric cancer, involving both primary and secondary prevention, is very important. The development of epidemio-etiological studies and the adoption of many measures for reducing or blocking risk factors as well as increasing protective factors have reduced the incidence of gastric cancer in many countries. For example, in such c.ountries as the USA and Finland, the incidence of gastric cancer has decreased strikingly during the last few decades. Even in Japan, whose people are among those at highest risk from this disease, the incidence of gastric cancer has decreased. In China, too (northeast China, a high risk area), the incidence of gastric cancer has tended to decrease in comparison with the situation that prevailed 15 year
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