Progress in Plant Protoplast Research Proceedings of the 7th Interna

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CURRENT PLANT SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY IN AGRICULTURE Aims and Scope of the Bookseries The bookseries is intended for readers ranging from advanced students to senior research scientists and corporate directors interested in acquiring in-depth, stateof-the-art knowledge about research findings and techniqu~s related to plant science and biotechnology. While the subject matter will relate more particularly to agricultural applications, timely topics in basic plant science and biotechnology will be explored as well. Some volumes will report progress in rapidly advancing disciplines through proceedings of symposia and workshops while others will detail fundamental information of an enduring nature that will be referenced repeatedly. Scientific Editor: F .A. Bliss, University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Horticulture, 1575 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA Scientific Advisory Board: P.S. Baenziger, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebr. K. Barton, Agracetus Corp., Middleton, Wisc. F. Cannon, Biotechnica Int., Cambridge, Mass. A. Galston, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. J. Lyman Snow, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey c.P. Meredith, University of California, Davis, Calif. N.C. Nielsen, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. J. Sprent, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK D.P.S. Verma, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec

Evans, H.J., Bottomley, P.J. an(i Newton, W.E. (eds): Nitrogen fixation research progress. 1985. ISBN 90-247·3255-7 Zimmerman, R.H., Griesbach, R.J., Hammerschlag, F.A. and Lawson, R.H. (eds): Tissue culture as a plant production system for horticultural crops. 1986. ISBN 90-247-3378-2 Verma, D.P .S. and Brisson, N. (eds): Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions. 1987. ISBN 90-247-3426-6 Civerolo, E.L., Collmer, A., Davis, R.E. and Gillaspie, A.G. (eds): Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. 1987. ISBN 90-247-3476-2 Summerfield, R.J. (ed): World Crops: Cool Season Food Legumes. 1988. ISBN 90-247-3641-2 Gepts, P. (ed): Genetic Resources of Phaseolus Beans. 1988. ISBN 90-247-3685-4 Puite, K.J., Dons, J.J.M., Huizing, H.J., Kool, A.J., Koornneef, M., Krens, F.A. (eds): Progress in Plant Protoplast Research. 1988. ISBN 90-247-3688-9

Progress in Plant Protoplast Research Proceedings of the 7th International Protoplast Symposium, Wageningen, the Netherlands, December 6-11, 1987

edited by



Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Wagenlngen, Internatlonal Protoplast Symposlum (7th 1987 Netherlands) Progress In plant protoplast research· proceedlngs of the 7th Internatl0nal Protoplast Symposlum, Wagenlngen, the Netherlands, December 6-11, 1987 I edlted by K.J. PUlte , .. ret al.l. p. cm. -- (Current plant SClence and b10technology 1n agr1culture ; 7) Inc 1udes 1ndex. 1. Plant protoplasts--Congresses. 2. Cell hybridizat1on-Congresses. 3. Plant genet1c eng1neer1ng--Congresses. I. Puite, K. J. II. Title. III. Ser1es. QK725.I495 1987 581.87' 3--d