Role of mitochondrial proteins for neuronal cell death after focal cerebral ischemia
Cell death following focal cerebral ischemia has an acute and a delayed component. Delayed neuronal cell death occurs via activation of molecular signalling pathways resembling apoptosis in nonneuronal cells. Cell surface cell death receptors and damage t
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Mechanisms of Secondary Brain Damage from Trauma and Ischemia Recent Advances of our Understanding
A. Baethmann, J.
Edited by Eriskat, J. Lehmberg, and N. Plesnila
Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement 89
SpringerWienN ewYork
Prof. Dr. A. Baethmann Institut fur Chirurgische Forschung , Ludwig-M axirnilians-Un iversitat Mun chen, Miinchen. Germany
Dr. J . Eriskat Neu rochirurgische Klin ik. Universitat Wiirzburg. Wurzbur g, Germ an y
Dr. J. Lehmberg Neurochirurgische Klinik . Unviersitat Freiburg. Freiburg. Ge rma ny
Dr. N. Plesnila Institut fur Chirurgische Forschung. Ludwig-M aximilian s-Un iversitat Mun chen , Miin chen. Ge rmany This work is subject to cop yright. All right s are reserved, whethe r the whole or part of the materi al is concerned. specifically those of translation. reprinting, re-use of illustrati on s, broad casting, repr odu ction by phot ocop ying machines or simila r mean s. and sto rage in dat a banks . Produ ct Liab ility: The publi sher ca n give no guar ant ee for a ll the info rma tion contai ned in th is book. Th is a lso refers to that on drug dosage and applica tion ther eof. In eac h ind ividu al case the respective user mu st check the accuracy of the informa tion given by con sulting other pharm aceutic al literature. Th e use of registered nam es, trad em ark s, etc. in this publ icati on does not imply, even in the absence of specific sta tement, th at such name s are exempt fro m the relevant prote ctive laws a nd regulat ion s and therefore free for gener a l use.
t 2004 Spring er-VerlagfW ien Printe d in Austria Spr inger-Verl ag Wien New Yo rk is a part of Sprin ger Science-l-Business Med ia, spri Typesett ing: Asco Typesett ers, Hon g Kong Printing : A. Holzhau sen, A-1140 Wien Binding : Fa . Papyrus. A- 1100 Wien Prin ted on acid-free and chlorine-free bleached paper SPIN: 10985786 Lib rary of Co ngress Cataloging-in-Publi cat ion Dat a International Symposium on Mech ani sms of Seconda ry Brain Damage (7th : 2001 : Maul s, Italy) Mech ani sms of seco ndary brain damage from trauma a nd ischem ia : recent advances of our under standing: pro ceedings of 7th International Sympo sium on Mech an isms of Second ary Brain Dam age. Maul s, Italy f edited by A. Baethmann . .. ret al.]. p. ; em . - (Acta neur ochirurg ica. Supplements, ISSN 0065-1419 : 89) Includes bibliograph ica l references an d index. ISBN 3-211-20932-8 (alk. paper ) I. Brain dam age - Co ngresses. 2. Cerebral ischemia - Co mplications - Co ngresses. 3. Spinal co rd - Wounds and injuries - Complicat ion s Con gresses. 4. Head - Wounds a nd injuri es - Co mplica tio ns - Co ngresses. I. Titl e: Proceedings of 7th Intern ational Sympo sium on Mech anisms of Secondary Brain Damage, Mau ls. Ita ly. II. Baethm ann. A. II I. Title . IV. Acta neur ochirurgi ca . Supp lement ; 89. [DNLM : I. Brain Damage, Chronic - etiology - Congre sses. 2. Brain Ischemia - complications - Con gresses. 3. Craniocerebral Tr aum a - complica tions - Congr esses. WL 354 I616m 2004] RC387.5.149 2003 617.4 '8 1044-dc22 2
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