Semiconductors Probed by Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy, Volumes I and II Edited by R. R. Alfano

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Semiconductors Probed by Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy, Volumes I and II Edited by R. R. Alfano

includediscussionson streak cameras, Kerr gates, and other picosecond sampling methods. Time correlated photon counting, picosecond modulated reflectance, and subpicosecond laser design are also discussed adequately in previous books, substantially (Academic Press) new material is found in several of these This two-volume set presents a new chapters. review of recent progress in understanding One of the shortcomings of these volumes the ultrafast (nanosecond to picosecond is the appreciable overlap among some of and faster) electronic processes in semi- the chapters. In Volume I, for example, the conductors. It summarizes work in a field same qualitative discussion of relaxation which has expanded rapidly in the past processes is repeated several times. In fact, decade. The text focuses on ultrafast semi- the same or nearly identical equations and conductor physics from both theoretical figures are repeated in different chapters. and experimental viewpoints. Because of This leaves the reader with the impression the narrower focus of this review, it is that little attention was given to continuity unique from previous reviews such as Ultra- between the chapters. Among the topics short Light Pulses, (edited by S. L. Shapiro, notably absent in these volumes is semiSpringer-Verlag, New York, 1977), even conductor layered structures such as superthough discussions of many of the experi- lattices and quantum wells probed by ultramental techniques are very similar. There fast laser spectroscopy. However, this is a are 30chapters, grouped (sometimes loose- newer topic which could take a volume in ly) into nine sections that provide overviews itself (perhaps Volume III?) of major topics. Much of the work presented Finally, several key contributors to this in these volumes has appeared previously in the form of shorter papers in journals field are noticeably missing, so that the and conference proceedings such as the volumes may not be regarded as the definiPicosecond Phenomena series (Volumes I, tive survey of ultrafast laser spectroscopy II, and III, Springer-Verlag, New York, of semiconductors. Nevertheless, this two1978, 1980, and 1982). However, most of volume set represents a very broad range the chapters are written in an expanded, of expertise in this field, and it is therefore pedagogical format appropriate for non- likely to become a welcome addition to specialist readers. Thus the two volumes many libraries. Reviewer: Paul Gourley, member of the technical should serve not only as a useful reference compendium, but also as an introduction to staff, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM. ultrafast physics of semiconductors. The published material spans a wide range of topics which should appeal to a broad audience. The chapters in Volume I contain theoretical discussions of energy and momentum relaxation times for carriers, time evolution of the carrier distribution function, and time-dependent thermodynamics of d