Smart Solution of Alternative Energy Source for Smart Houses

This paper describes the design and implementation of smart photovoltaic power source. It describes the principle of solar irradiation to energy transformation and influences on its effectiveness, as well as ways to achieve higher energy gain. Based on th

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Abstract. This paper describes the design and implementation of smart photovoltaic power source. It describes the principle of solar irradiation to energy transformation and influences on its effectiveness, as well as ways to achieve higher energy gain. Based on the operation of the control algorithm the microcontroller-controlled electronics is capable of providing optimal adjustment of the front surface of the panel towards the Sun. It is also capable of measuring the energy balance of the whole device. All individual electronic devices that was built as a products of this project are directly using or are based on Arduino development kit. This work also designs and implements solutions that provide visualization and storage of measured data. Evaluation of the benefit of smart power source in practical operation is performed on the basis of comparison with the measured data obtained from the photovoltaic panel with fixed position. Keywords: Arduino

 Photovoltaics  Renewable power source  Sun tracker

1 Introduction As a result of long-term technological development we live in a world where we are increasingly dependent on a variety of technologies. This our dependence has been increasing in response to declining prices and expansion of the possibilities of electronic equipment. Therefore, we increasingly encounter with their use in such areas of human life, seemed to be a utopia or a matter for the distant future. Energy can be considered as a very important commodity [3], which is necessary to run complex intelligent home. It is therefore necessary to ensure its supply even at times when traditional way is not possible or is limited. The aim of this work is to design and implement a device that would be able to act as an independent source of energy within the smart home, or some of its parts. At present time, we can definitely say that sunlight represents a virtually inexhaustible source of energy for our civilisation. Emitted intensity of solar radiation is equal to approximately 64000 kW/m2. Hence, use of this energy for a smart power source is very suitable. Converting sunlight directly into electricity is carried out by photovoltaic cells, which operate on the principle of photovoltaic effect. This occurs when electrons are © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 H. Fujita et al. (Eds.): IEA/AIE 2016, LNAI 9799, pp. 830–840, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42007-3_70

Smart Solution of Alternative Energy Source for Smart Houses


excited from the material due to incident radiation. Free movement of electrons emerging in semiconductor material then forms a voltage potential and direct electrical current. There are many types of photovoltaic cells, which are currently used. The most commonly used cells are based on silicon, which can be divided according to the type of production to monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous cells. Every cell type has its own advantages and disadvantages and it should be considered for every particular application. These kinds of cells differ from each oth

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