Spaces of Analytic Functions Seminar Held at Kristiansand, Norway, J
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For information about Vols. 1-276, please contact your bookseller or Springer-Verlag.
Vol. 309: D. H. Sattinger, Top1cs 1n Stabil1ty and B1furcat1on Theory. VI, 190 pages. 1973.
Vol. 277: Sem1na1re Banach. Ed1te par C. Houzel. VII, 229 pages. 1972.
Vol. 310: B. Iversen, Genenc Local Structure of the Morph1sms m Commutat1ve Algebra. IV, 108 pages. 1973.
Vol. 278: H. Jacquet, Automorph1c Forms on GL(2) Part II. XIII, 142 pages. 1972.
Vol. 311 Conference on Commutative Algebra. Ed1ted by J. W. Brewer and E. A. Rutter. VII, 251 pages. 1973
Vol. 279: R. Bot!, S. Giller and I. M. James, Lectures on Algebraic and D1fferen!lal Topology. V, 174 pages. 1972
W. A. Hams, Jr. and Y. S1buya. VIII, 204 pages. 1973.
Vol. 280: Conference on the Theory of Ordmary and Part1al Dtfterential Equa!ions. Ed1ted by W. N. Event! and B. D. Sleeman. XV, 367 pages. 1972. Vol. 281: Coherence 1n Categories. Ed1ted by S. Mac Lane. VII, 235 pages.1972. Vol. 282: W. Klingenberg und P. Flaschel, Rtemannsche Hilbertmanntgfalttgkeiten. Periodische GeodGittsche. VII, 211 Setten. 1972. Vol. 283: L. lllus1e, Complexe Cotangent et Deformations II. VII, 304 pages. 1972 Vol. 284: P. A. Meyer, Martingales and Stochastic Integrals I. VI, 89 pages. 1972. Vol. 285: P. de Ia Harpe, Classical Banach-L1e Algebras and BanachLie Groups of Operators 1n H1lbert Space. Ill, 160 pages. 1972. Vol. 286: S. Murakamt, On Automorphisms of Stegel Domams. V, 95 pages. 1972. Vol. 287: Hyperfunctions and Pseudo-Otfferenttal Equattons. Edtted by H. Komatsu. VII, 529 pages. 1973. Vol. 288: Groupes de Monodromte en GeometneAigebrtque. (SGA 7 1). Dinge par A. Grothendieck.IX, 523 pages. 1972.
Vol. 312: Symposium on Ord1nary D1fferent1al Equations. Ed1ted by
Vol. 313: K. Jbrgens and J. We1dmann, Spectral Properties of Hamiltonian Operators. Ill, 140 pages. 1973. Vol. 314: M. Deur1ng, Lectures on the Theory of Algebra1c Functions of One Vanable. VI, 151 pages. 1973. Vol. 315: K. B1chteler, Integration Theory (w1th Spec1al Attention to Vector Measures). VI, 357 pages. 1973. Vol. 316: Sympostum on Non-Well-Posed Problems and Loganthm1c Convexity. Edited by R. J. Knops V, 176 pages. 1973. Vol. 317: Semmaire Bourbak'- vol. 1971/72. Exposes 400-417.1V, 361 pages.1973. Vol. 318: Recent Advances 1n Topolog1cal Dynamics. Edited by A. Beck. VIII, 285 pages. 1973. Vol. 319: Conference on Group Theory. Ed1ted by R. W. Gatterdam and K. W. Weston. V, 188 pages. 1973. Vol. 320: Modular Funct1ons of One Vanable I. Ed1ted by W. Kuyk. V, 195 pages. 1973. Vol. 321: Sem1na~re de Probabilites VII. Ed1te par P. A. Meyer. VI, 322 pages.1973.
Vol. 289: B. Fuglede, Finely Harmonic Functions. Ill, 188. 1972.
Vol. 322: Nonl1near Problems 1n the Phys1cal Sciences and Btology. Ed1ted by I. Stakgold, D. D. Joseph and D. H. Sattinger. VIII, 357 pages. 1973
Vol. 290: D. B. Zagter, Equtvanant Pontrjagtn Classes and Appllca!ions to Orb1t Spaces. IX, 130 pages. 1972.
Vol. 323: J. L. L1ons, Perturbations Smgul1eres dans les Problemes aux Lim1tes et en ContrOie Optimal. XII, 645 pages. 197
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