Simulation of Metal Forming Processes by the Finite Element Method (SIMOP-I)

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Simulation of Metal Forming Processes by the Finite Element Method (SIMOP-I) Proceedings of the I. International Workshop Stuttgart, June 3, 1985

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo 1986

Dr.-Ing. Kurt Lange o. Professor an der Universitiit Stuttgart Institut fOr Umformtech nik


e-ISBN-13:978-3-642-8281 0-2

001: 10.1007/978-3-642-82810-2

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The production-costs of formed workpieces are in an increasing extent fixed through the costs for designing and manufacturing the tools. Nowadays, it is possi b1e to reduce these redundant tool-costs by app lyi ng modern numeri ca 1 simulation techniques such as the finite element type procedures. In thi s context, the basic ojecti ve of the workshop SUtoP (~imul ation of !:!etal F~rming ~rocesses by the Finite Element Method) was to determine and - especially - to discuss the level of finite-element-simulations of metal-forming processes with regard to technological utilization. On this purpose, eight presentations have been selected to focus the discussions onto the prime aspects such as: - technological aspects (bulk metal forming versus sheet metal forming), - constitutive laws (rigid-plastic versus elastic-plastic versus visko-plastic material laws), - coupled analysis (thermo-mechanical coupling), - kinematical description (Eulerian versus Lagrangian formulations, co-rotational formulations etc.), - numerical problems (incompressibility, integration of constitutive equations, iterative and incremental schemas, etc.), as well as - contact problems (friction, heat-transfer, etc.). In order to promote discussions, the audience of the workshop was limited to 50 participants. Due to this fact, we had to refuse unfortunately many app 1i cat ions. However, we hope that these proceedi ngs - whi ch also inc 1ude the discussions in an almost complete extent - will be a compensation for those who could not attend the workshop SIMOP-I. The proceedings contain the eight written manuscripts, the discussions after each sub-session as well as the closing discussions, the "FORUM", at the end of the workshop. Finally, a