1986 in Review
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In announcing the 1977 Fall Meeting, MRS President Rustum Roy produced the * first review of the Society's operations: "It is disorganized, has amorphous leadership, ^with no staff, no overhead, no fancy .brochures." In the short temporal s p a n since that a n n o u n c e m e n t , the Materials ^.Research Society has grown by a factor of 20 and, for better or for worse, those chara c t e r i s t i c s have all changed. Unchanged, though, is the dedication to the original ^purposes of the Materials Research Society and the enthusiasm of members working ^toward the realization of those purposes. To enumerate all the people and projects that were active during 1986 would be a ^hopeless task for me — I would inadvertently miss many. Instead, I will present yonly the highlights of this past year. The principal driving force for establishing the Materials Research Society was the need for an interdisciplinary forum for the *"discussion of specific materials topics. That need was fulfilled in 1986 by our two technical meetings. The Spring Meeting in ^.Palo Alto, CA was organized by Wei-Kan Chu, Rod Quinn, and Malcolm Thomps o n . It was enhanced by the first MRS outdoor, poolside poster session, which was ^at least as spirited as the chili cookoff proceeding it. The nine topical symposia at ^ h i s meeting are a substantial increase in number from the four symposia offered at the initial MRS Spring Meeting in 1984. A T h e Fall Meeting just completed featured 22 topical symposia, and was organized •by Bob C h a n g , Carol J a n t z e n , a n d Jim Roberto. Each meeting was deliberately •planned to be interdisciplinary—and also to cover a w i d e variety of materials to '*"provide a cross-fertilization among seemingly disparate research fields. The Meeting Chairs and Symposium Organizers for ^.both meetings devoted many late hours of work to create the type of meeting most _guseful to materials researchers. The success of their efforts can be measured in -".many ways, but the most obvious is the r e c o r d - b r e a k i n g a t t e n d e n c e at e a c h * meeting. Dissemination of information useful to the materials research c o m m u n i t y — a > jtated objective of the Materials Research S o c i e t y — w a s a c c o m p l i s h e d in 1986 .^through three publications media — the Symposia Proceedings series, Journal of ^Materials Research, a n d t h e MRS BULLETIN. Under the direction of the Publicat i o n s C o m m i t t e e , c h a i r e d by D a v i d Campbell — and particularly its Subcomm i t t e e on B o o k s , c h a i r e d by P e t e r
) Pronko — the p r o c e e d i n g s of 23 recent MRS symposia were published. In addition, a new Conference Proceedings series, for non-MRS symposia related to materials research, was inaugurated with the publication of Tungsten and Other Refractory Metals for VLSI Applications. Agreements for several more books in this new series have already been secured. Following 18 months of intensive planning, Journal of Materials Research became a reality with the appearance of its
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