Duke Named Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Materials Research

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MRS President Elton Kaufmann has announced He is also author of Tunneling in Solids (Academic the appointment of Dr. Charles B. Duke as Editor-inPress, 1969). Chief of journal of Materials Research. The new archival His professional society activities herald his publijournal, to be published for MRS by the American cations and management expertise. Duke is past Institute of Physics, will premiere in January 1986. president and honorary member of the American Vacuum Society and has ser"Charlie Duke's reputation ved as chairman of AVS's and credentials as a diverse Scholarships and Awards, and energetic scientist, author, Publications, and Nominations editor and educator in many Committees. He is a Fellow of disciplines of materials science the American Physical Society, make him the perfect choice and is serving in his seventh for this challenging new posiyear on the Board of Govtion," according to Kaufmann. ernors of the American Insti"We are delighted that the tute of Physics. He has also new journal will be steered by served or is currently serving such an important force as on AIP Committees on CorDuke, who brings to the task porate Associates, Public Inbroad interests and allegianformation and Education, Jources to key research fields." nals, Educational Policy, and Duke is manager, Theoretthe AIP Executive Committee. ical Physics and Chemistry He is a past member of the Research for Xerox Corporboard of editors for Journal of ation, Webster, New York, Vacuum Science and Technology, and is a Senior Research FelJournal de Microscopie et de Spectrolow of the Corporate Research scopie Electroniques, and currently Group. Since joining Xerox in serves on editorial boards of 1972, he has held the positions Surface Science, Surface Science of principal scientist, Materials Reports, Critical Reviews of Solid Research Section; and manState and Materials Science, Adager, Molecular and Organic vances in the Mechanics and Physics Materials Research; manager, of Surfaces, a n d Journal of MolecuMaterials Science Laboratory. lar Electronics. From 1963-1969, he was a staff member of General ElecHe has served as referee tric R&D Center, Schenecfor 16 journals, as well as for Charles B. Duke tady, New York, working in the National Science Foundathe areas of solid-state phytion. Air Force Office of Sciensics, surface science, and techtific Research, and the Nationnological forecasting-planning. He then served for al Research Council, and he has worked in an advisory three years as professor of physics, research professor capacity for four universities, as well as on numerous of coordinated science, and staff member of the national research and conference committees. Materials Research Laboratory at the University of "The Establishment of Journal of Materials Research Illinois-Urbana. under the direction of Charlie Duke is a significant milestone for MRS as we pursue our overall mission Duke has 256 technical publications to his credit in of service to the materials research community," the areas of nuclear physics, semiconductor