Endocrinological Aspects of Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease that is strongly influenced by endocrine pathways. One obvious player is estrogen that has been thought to be responsible for the lower risk of premenopausal women for cardiovascular events as compared to age ma

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Georg Wick • Cecilia Grundtman

Inflammation and Atherosclerosis


Editors Prof. Dr. Georg Wick Laboratory of Autoimmunity Division of Experimental Pathophysiology and Immunology Biocenter Innsbruck Medical University Peter-Mayr-Straße 4a A-6020 Innsbruck Austria [email protected]

Dr. Cecilia Grundtman Laboratory of Autoimmunity Division of Experimental Pathophysiology and Immunology Biocenter Innsbruck Medical University Sch€opfstraße 41 A-6020 Innsbruck Austria [email protected]

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It had long been known that inflammatory-immunologic processes play a role in the development of cardiovascular diseases in general and atherosclerosis in particular. However, during the last two decades this notion has gained increasing momentum, both in basic research and clinical medicine. The latter is also reflected by progress in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The present volume strifes to provide an up- to-date information on this topic with contributions from experts in the field taking into account the progress made in the last few years. We hope that this timely and comprehensive volume will find the interest of basic scientists and clinicians working in this field but also of readers who are planning to enter this interesting area of research and clinical practice. Due to limits of space not all examples of inflammatory-immunologically mediated diseases of the cardiovascular system could be covered in this volume. So, we have, e.g. refrained from including diseases that develop on a clear-cut primary infectious basis, such as viral myocarditis. We would like to thank all authors for their contributions, their readiness to address questions still open, to comply with formal requirements, and also for meeting the deadline for submission of their chapters.

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