Models of Local Governance Public Opinion and Political Theory in Br

From 1979 to 1997 Britain was a laboratory for experiments in local governance as the control and delivery of local services was switched from elected councils to appointed boards (quangos), private companies or self-management. This book is about four mo

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William L. Miller, Malcolm Dickson and Gerry Stoker

Copyright material from - licensed to University of Newcastle, Australia - PalgraveConnect - 2014-12-27

Models of Local Governance

10.1057/9781403920119 - Models of Local Governance, William L. Miller, Malcolm Dickson and Gerry Stoker

Also by William L. Miller

ELECTIONS AND VOTERS: A Comparative Introduction (with M. Harrop) ELECTORAL DYNAMICS IN BRITAIN SINCE 1918 HOW VOTERS CHANGE: The 1987 British Election Campaign in Perspective (with H. Clark, M. Harrop, L. LeDuc and P. Whiteley) IRRELEVANT ELECTIONS? The Quality of Local Democracy in Britain MEDIA AND VOTERS: The Audience, Content and Influence of Press and Television at the 1987 General Election OIL AND THE SCOTTISH VOTER (with J. Brand and M. Jordan) POLITICAL CULTURE IN CONTEMPORARY BRITAIN: People and Politicians, Principles and Practice (with A. M. Timpson and M. Lessnoff) THE END OF BRITISH POLITICS? Scots and English Political Behaviour in the Seventies THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTOR (with K. Young) THE SURVEY METHOD IN THE SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES: Achievements, Failures, Prospects VALUES AND POLITICAL CHANGE IN POSTCOMMUNIST EUROPE (with Stephen White and Paul Heywood)

Also by Gerry Stoker CITIES IN THE 1990s: Local Choice for a Balanced Strategy (with S. Young) LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN THE 1990s (with J. Stewart) REMAKING PLANNING: The Politics of Urban Change in the Thatcher Years (with T. Brindley and Y. Rydin) RETHINKING LOCAL DEMOCRACY (with D. King) THE NEW MANAGEMENT OF BRITISH LOCAL GOVERNANCE THE POLITICS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT THE PRIVATISATION OF URBAN SERVICES IN EUROPE (with D. Lorrain) THEORIES OF URBAN POLITICS (with D. Judge and H. Wolman) THEORY AND METHODS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE (with D. Marsh)

10.1057/9781403920119 - Models of Local Governance, William L. Miller, Malcolm Dickson and Gerry Stoker

Copyright material from - licensed to University of Newcastle, Australia - PalgraveConnect - 2014-12-27

ALTERNATIVES TO FREEDOM: Arguments and Opinions

Public Opinion and Political Theory in Britain William L. Miller ‘Edward Caird’ Professor of Politics University of Glasgow

Malcolm Dickson Lecturer in Politics University of Strathclyde Glasgow


Gerry Stoker Professor of Government University of Strathclyde Glasgow

10.1057/9781403920119 - Models of Local Governance, William L. Miller, Malcolm Dickson and Gerry Stoker

Copyright material from - licensed to University of Newcastle, Australia - PalgraveConnect - 2014-12-27

Models of Local Governance

© William L. Miller, Malcolm Dickson and Gerry Stoker 2000

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