Non-Standard Employment in Europe Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy R

Postwar employment standards are being undermined and 'non-standard' employment is becoming more common. While scholars have pointed to negative consequences of this development, this volume also discusses the evidence for a new and socially inclusive Eur

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Work and Welfare in Europe

Titles include: Sigrid Betzelt and Silke Bothfeld ACTIVATION AND LABOUR MARKET REFORMS IN EUROPE Challenges to Social Citizenship Sonja Drobnic and Ana Guillén Rodriguez WORK-LIFE BALANCE IN EUROPE The Role of Job Quality Colette Fagan, Maria Gonzalez Menendez and Silvia Gomez Anson WOMEN IN MANAGEMENT European Employment Policy Neil Fraser, Rodolfo Gutierrez and Ramon Pena-Cassas WORKING POVERTY IN EUROPE Patricia Frericks and Robert Maier THE LIFE COURSE AND THE ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY OF THE WELFARE STATE Paolo Graziano, Sophie Jacquot and Bruno Palier THE EU AND THE DOMESTIC POLITICS OF WELFARE STATE REFORMS Europa, Europae Karl Hinrichs and Matteo Jessoula LABOUR MARKET FLEXIBILITY AND PENSION REFORMS Flexible Today, Secure Tomorrow? Trudie Knijn WORK, FAMILY POLICIES AND TRANSITIONS TO ADULTHOOD IN EUROPE Max Koch and Martin Fritz NON-STANDARD EMPLOYMENT IN EUROPE Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy Responses Colin Lindsay and Donald Houston DISABILITY BENEFITS, WELFARE REFORM AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY Ive Marx and Kenneth Nelson MINIMUM INCOME PROTECTION IN FLUX Livia Sz. Oláh and Ewa Fratczak CHILDBEARING, WOMEN’S EMPLOYMENT AND WORK-LIFE BALANCE POLICIES IN CONTEMPORARY EUROPE Birgit Pfau-Effinger and Tine Rostgaard CARE, WORK AND WELFARE IN EUROPE

10.1057/9781137267160 - Non-Standard Employment in Europe, Edited by Max Koch and Martin Fritz

Copyright material from - licensed to RMIT University Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-08-20

Series Editors: Denis Bouget, University of Nantes, France, Jochen Clasen, University of Edinburgh, UK, Ana Guillén Rodriguez, University of Oviedo, Spain, Jane Lewis, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK and Bruno Palier, Sciences-po Paris, France


Work and Welfare in Europe Series Standing Order ISBN 978–0–230–28026–7 (outside North America only) You can receive future titles in this series as they are published by placing a standing order. Please contact your bookseller or, in case of difficulty, write to us at the address below with your name and address, the title of the series and the ISBN quoted above. Customer Services Department, Macmillan Distribution Ltd, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS, England

10.1057/9781137267160 - Non-Standard Employment in Europe, Edited by Max Koch and Martin Fritz

Copyright material from - licensed to RMIT University Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-08-20

Rik van Berkel, Willibrord de Graaf and Tomáš Sirovátka THE GOVERNANCE OF ACTIVE WELFARE STATES IN EUROPE

Non-Standard Employment in Europe Edited by

Max Koch Lund University, Sweden


Martin Fritz GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany

10.1057/9781137267160 - Non-Standard Employment in Europe, Edited by Max Koch and Martin Fritz

Copyright material from - licensed to RMIT University Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-08-20
