On a maximal subgroup $$(2^9{:}(L_3(4)){:}3$$ ( 2 9 : ( L 3 ( 4 ) ) : 3 of the automorphism group $$U_6(2){:}3

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On a maximal subgroup (29 :(L3 (4)):3 of the automorphism group U6 (2):3 of U6 (2) Abraham Love Prins1

· Ramotjaki Lucky Monaledi2 · Richard Llewellyn Fray3

Received: 16 October 2018 / Accepted: 5 May 2020 © African Mathematical Union and Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2020

Abstract In this paper, the Fischer–Clifford matrices and associated character table of a maximal subgroup (29 :(L 3 (4)):3 of one of the automorphism groups U6 (2):3 of the unitary group U6 (2) are constructed. Keywords Coset analysis · Fischer–Clifford matrices · Permutation character · Character table · Inertia group · Set intersection Mathematics Subject Classification 20C15 · 20C40

1 Introduction The unitary group U6 (2) has three automorphism groups of the forms U6 (2):2, U6 (2):3 and U6 (2):S3 (see [1–3]). In this paper, the focus will be on one of the maximal subgroups G of U6 (2):3 with structure description (29 :L 3 (4)):3. Firstly, we will show with the help of MAGMA [4] that the group G = (29 :L 3 (4)):3 can be represented as a split extension G = 29 :(L 3 (4):3), where we regard 29 as the vector space V9 (2) and upon which L 3 (4):3 acts absolutely irreducibly as a matrix group G of dimension 9 over the Galois field G F(2). Since the action of G on its natural module V9 (2) is absolutely irreducible, the group G exists as subgroup of S L 10 (2).


Abraham Love Prins [email protected] Ramotjaki Lucky Monaledi [email protected] Richard Llewellyn Fray [email protected]


Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Nelson Mandela University, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth 6031, South Africa


Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X2, Saldanha 7395, South Africa


Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of the Western Cape, Private Bag X17, Bellville 7535, South Africa


A. L. Prins et al.

The permutation character χ(L 3 (4):3|29 ) for the action of L 3 (4):3 on 29 will be computed and then together with the technique of coset analysis (see, for example, [5–8]), the conjugacy classes of G are computed. The inertia factor groups Hi for the action of L 3 (4):3 on Irr(29 ) and their fusion maps into L 3 (4):3 will also be determined. Next, the Fischer–Clifford matrices [9] of G and the ordinary character table of G associated with these matrices are computed. Finally, we will use the technique of set intersections (see, for example, [7,8,10]) to fully determined the fusion of the classes of G into U6 (2):3. This article, is part of a series of papers on the character tables of the maximal subgroups (29 :L 3 (4)):2 [11], (29 :L 3 (4)):3 and (29 :L 3 (4)):S3 [12] of the automorphism groups U6 (2):2, U6 (2):3 and U6 (2):S3 of U6 (2), respectively. The character table of the maximal subgroup 29 :L 3 (4) of U6 (2) is already uploaded in the GAP [13] library. The computation of the character tables of (29 :L 3 (4)):2 and (29 :L 3 (4)):3 using Fisher-Clifford theory (see, for example, th

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