A structured neurosurgical training plan and the neurosurgical logbook in the UK
Although there are many similarities in neurosurgical training methods throughout Europe, some differences exist in training programmes and the extent of practical experience trainees gain in different countries.
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Acta Neurochirurgica Supplements Editor: H.- J. Steiger
Joint Residency Advisory and Accreditation Commitee (JRAAC) A Joint Commitee of the the U.E.M.S. and E.A.N.S.
Training in Neurosurgery in the Countries of the EU A Guide to Organize a Training Programme
Edited by H.-J. Reulen
in collaboration with J. Brennum, FI. Gjerris, J. Haase, W. Kanpolat, D. Lang, K. W. Lindsay, J. Lobo Antunes, D. W. Long, G. Neil Dwyer, G. Schackert, J. Steers, H.-J. Steiger, J. C. Tonn, T. Trojanowski, and P. A. Winkler Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement 90
Springer-Verlag Wien GmbH
Univ.-Prof. Dr. H.-J. Reulen Neurochirurgische Uni.-Klinik, Klinikum GroBhadem,
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With 4 Figures
ISBN 978-3-7091-7214-8 DO I 10.1007/978-3-7091-0633-4
ISBN 978-3-7091-0633-4 (eBook)
The idea for this book was born during the discussions of JRAAC following certification visits to a number of different neurosurgical departments all over Europe. The members of JRAAC realized recurrent problem s in the structure of training programmes on the one side an many positive solutions on the other side. The idea evolved to compile a manual or practical guide, respectively, how to solve such typical problems. Hence this book is a common effort ofthe members of JRAAC to provide advice and support to those involved in the organisation of neurosurgical education. The new Neurosurgical Training Charter of the UEMS, as presented in Chapter II, defines now a "European Model " to structure a training programme with a clear set of standards and requirements. This is inevitably necessary if we want to move toward a steady improvement of neurosurgical education in Europe. It should be emphasized that this concerns the external structure, the skeleton. The internal structure of a programme, the curriculum, the content of the various training years, the philosophy of a department,
the formation of an educational environment, etc. remain still in the
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