Charting a Course for the International Union of Materials Research Societies

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Charting a Course for the International Union of Materials Research Sùcieties For ail the delegates and members ôf the Founding Adhering Bodies,. it wàs indeed an exriting moment, on November 27, 1990, to realize that after years of planning we had, àt last, formed the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS). It is my honor and a privilège to serve as the first président of IUMRS, and I look forward to working closely with the members of the executive committee and ail the delegates from our member societies. Followihg the objectives of IUMRS as stated in its statures,, we intend to make every attempt to fulfill our vision. In the next few years we will focus our efforts in the following areas—programming, communication, and research coopération. At the next IUMRS meeting in Strasbourg, France (May 1991), plans will be laid to im-

R.P.H. Chang Président, IUMRS


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plement some of the ideas that we will develdp collectively. • Programming: What brought us together was, in fact, the co-sponsorship of international materials conférences and meetings. In 1988 we had our first international conférences on advanced materials (ICAM-88) and on electronic materials (IŒM-88) in Japan. That initial success led us to continue thèse séries of conférences, ICEM-90 in the United States and ICAM-91 in Strasbourg. No doubt thèse conférences will be continued throughout this décade. In addition, we are developing a séries of international workshops oh materials. The first workshop, "Science and Technology of Thin Films for the 21st Century," will be held July 28-August 2,1991, at Northwestern University in the United States. A commission in programming will be estàblished this year to help coordinate international meetings. • Communication: A vital link to materials scientists and engineers Worldwide involves rapid and timely communication. The MRS Bulletin has been doing an excellent job in fulfilling part of our needs. Starting with this issue, the Bulletin will dedicàte a section to IUMRS news and information. In addition, the Bulletin's Calendar is available i o r listing ail materials-related meetings. I encourage the member societies to make good use of this opporrunity. A médium for rapid publication (within 1 to 2 months) of materials research in the form of a communiqué is very désirable. The development of electronic communications equipment has made such a goal achievable; however, this undertaking réquires the effort and coopération 6i many societies. IUMRS is the appropriate body to consider such a projèct. Another project worth c