Distributions and Source Identification of the Major Ions in Zhujiang River, Southwest China: Examining the Relationship

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Distributions and Source Identification of the Major Ions in Zhujiang River, Southwest China: Examining the Relationships Between Human Perturbations, Chemical Weathering, Water Quality and Health Risk Jinke Liu1 · Guilin Han1  Received: 22 August 2019 / Revised: 2 January 2020 / Accepted: 4 January 2020 © Springer Nature B.V. 2020

Abstract Major ions, δ34SSO4 and δ18OSO4 of Zhujiang River in Southeast China were determined to examine the sources of the dissolved loads and the influence of human perturbations and chemical weathering on the water quality and health risk. ­Ca2+ and ­HCO3− constitute the majority of major ions, ­Ca2+ contents range from 7.88 to 85.59 mg/L, with an average value of 45.49 mg/L, while the concentrations of H ­ CO3− vary between 31.02 and 247.71 mg/L. The δ34SSO4 and δ18OSO4 signals vary from − 9.69 to 7.88‰ and 1.55 to 9.32‰, respectively. The analyses including principal component analysis, Piper diagram and the elemental ratios demonstrate that water chemistry is dominated by the carbonate weathering, which is facilitated by sulfuric acid. The mass balance model using δ34SSO4 and δ18OSO4 reveals that the riverine S ­ O42− are mainly from the human activities. And in the Xunjiang River and Xijiang River channel located in the lower reaches, Guangdong province with the relatively developed economy compared to the upper reaches, the anthropogenic inputs contribute more to the riverine ­SO42−. In comparison with the drinking water guideline, Zhujiang river water is generally suitable for drinking. The sodium hazard assessments for irrigation demonstrate that only one sample with the SAR value of 1.14 and Na% of 30.7% exceeds the desirable limits, indicating long-time use of the water may undermine the structure of soil aggregates and reduce agricultural production, for most sites, the water are suitable for irrigation. The calculated hazard quotient (HQ) including ­F−, ­NO3−, ­NH4+ for adults are all within 1, indicating ignorable risk. While in the upper reaches where the acid rain is common, the children are threatened by the non-carcinogenic hazards. The human activities no doubt affect the water quality and increase the health risk for the local residents, thus long-time monitoring on water quality and limiting pollution emissions from sewage and activities should be taken seriously. Keywords  Water quality · Health risk assessment · Hydro-geochemistry · Sulfur and oxygen isotope of sulfate · Zhujiang river basin

Introduction River water, as an essential source of water supply for drinking, agricultural activities and industry, is threatened by human perturbations, which causes wide public concern over the world (Barnes and Raymond 2009; Zaric et al. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (https​://doi.org/10.1007/s1240​3-020-00343​-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. * Guilin Han [email protected] 1

Institute of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, Chi

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