Neoliberal Globalization and Learner-Centered Pedagogies: Posing Some Different Questions
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Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:
Neoliberal Globalization and LearnerCentered Pedagogies: Posing Some Different Questions Lyn Carter
Australian Catholic University , Melbourne, Australia Published online: 30 Aug 2010.
To cite this article: Lyn Carter (2010) Neoliberal Globalization and Learner-Centered Pedagogies: Posing Some Different Questions, Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 10:3, 223-231, DOI: 10.1080/14926156.2010.504481 To link to this article:
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CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION, 10(3), 223–231, 2010 C OISE Copyright ISSN: 1492-6156 print / 1942-4051 online DOI: 10.1080/14926156.2010.504481
Neoliberal Globalization and Learner-Centered Pedagogies: Posing Some Different Questions Lyn Carter
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Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia
Abstract: The term globalization has come to depict the recent global, largely neoliberal, economic, political, and social restructuring and modes by which we now interpret our world (Featherstone, 1996). It is increasingly clear that contemporary education needs to be considered in tandem with globalization as the dominant logic at work, rethinking and reconfiguring the social landscape in which education is entrenched. This proposition holds for many aspects of education, including learnercentered pedagogies and their heavily promoted ability to support improved learning outcomes. In this article, I pose some general questions of learner-centered pedagogies in the conte
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