Performing Governance Partnerships, Culture and New Labour

Performing Governance sets out a new framework to assess the performance of partnerships and examines what these actually deliver. This is applied to three areas of New Labour's welfare policy; child safeguarding, urban regeneration and the modernisation

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10.1057/9781137024046 - Performing Governance, Helen Dickinson

Copyright material from - licensed to Stockholm University Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-10-27

Copyright material from - licensed to Stockholm University Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-10-27

Performing Governance

10.1057/9781137024046 - Performing Governance, Helen Dickinson

Also by Helen Dickinson INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (with Carpenter, J.)

POLICY AND PRACTICE IN THE REFORM OF HEALTH CARE (with Mannion, R.) PARTNERSHIP WORKING IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE: What Is Integration and How Can We Deliver It? (with Glasby, J.) A–Z OF INTERAGENCY WORKING (with Glasby, J.) PARTNERSHIP WORKING IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (with Glasby, J.) INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE: Partnership Working in Action (with Glasby, J.) WORKING IN TEAMS (with Jelphs, K.) MANAGING AND LEADING IN INTER-AGENCY SETTING (with Peck, E.) PERFORMING LEADERSHIP (with Peck, E.) RATIONING IN HEALTH CARE: The Theory and Practice of Priority Setting (with Williams, I. and Robinson, S.)

10.1057/9781137024046 - Performing Governance, Helen Dickinson

Copyright material from - licensed to Stockholm University Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-10-27


Performing Governance Helen Dickinson University of Melbourne, Australia

10.1057/9781137024046 - Performing Governance, Helen Dickinson

Copyright material from - licensed to Stockholm University Library - PalgraveConnect - 2015-10-27

Partnerships, Culture and New Labour

© Helen Dickinson 2014

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