Rare Earth Elements and Boron
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Rare Earth Elements and Boron
General References:
Fisk, Z.; Remeika, J. P.; Growth of Single Crystals from Molten Metal Fluxes, in: Gschneidner, K. A., Jr.; Eyring, LeRoy; Hüfner, S.; Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths, Vol. 12, North-Holland, Amsterdam 1989. Eliseev, A. A.; Binary Inorganic Compounds of the Rare-Earth Elements with Intermediate Valences, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Neorgan. Materialy 24 [1988]181/92; Inorg. Materials [USSR] 24 [1988] 125/35. Gschneidner, K. A., Jr.; Eyring, LeRoy; Hüfner, S.; Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths, Vol. 10, High Energy Spectroscopy, North-Holland, Amsterdam 1987. Villars, P.; Calvert, L. D.; Pearson's Handbook of Crystallographic Data for Intermetallic Phases, Vol. 1/3, ASM, Metals Park, Ohio, 1986. Etourneau, J.; Critical Survey of Rare-Earth Borides: Occurrence, Crystal Chemistry and Physical Properties, J. Less-Common Metals 110 [1985] 267/81. Etourneau, J.; Hagenmuller, P.; Structure and Physical Features of the Rare-Earth Borides, Phil. Mag. [8] B 52 [1985] 589/610. Landolt-Börnstein New Ser. Group III 17 Pt. 9 [1984] 24/34, 356/67. Kost, M. E.; Shilov, A. L.; Mikheeva, V.I.; et al.; Khimiya Redkikh Elementov [Chemistryof Rare Earth Elements], Soedineniya Redkozemel'nykh Elementov, Nauka, Moscow 1983, pp. 1/270, 40/68. Gordienko, S. P.; Fenochka, B. V.; Viksman, G. Sh.; Termodinamika Soedinenii Lantanoidov, Nauka Dumka, Kiev 1979, pp. 1/373, 68/84. Goryachev, YU. M.; Kovenskaya, B. A.; The Physical Properties and the Electronic Structure of the Higher Borides, J. Less-Common Metals 67 [1979] 273/9. Studies on Lanthanum Boride, Muki Zaishitsu Kenkyushu Kenkyu Hokokusho [Research Reports of the National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials] No. 17 [1978] 1/139; C.A. 91 [1979] No. 101319. Matkovich, V.I.; Boron and Refractory Borides, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-NewYork 1977. Samsonov, G. V.; Vinitskii, I. M.; Tugoplavkie Soedineniya, 2nd Ed., Metallurgiya, Moscow 1976. Spear, K. E.; Phase Behavior and Related Properties of Rare-Earth Borides, in: Alper, A. M.; Refractory Materials, Phase Diagrams, Vol. 4, Academic, New York 1976, pp. 91/159. Fomenko, V. S.; POdchernyaeva, I. A.; Emissionnye i Adsorbtsionnye Svoistva Veshchestv i Materialov [Emissive and Adsorptive Properties of Materials], Atomizdat, Moscow 1975, pp. 1/319, 166/75. Gmelin Handbook RE MainVol.C 11a
H. Hein et al., Sc, Y, La-Lu. Rare Earth Elements © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989
2 Samsonov, G. V.; Serebryakova, T. 1.; Neronov, V. A.; Boridy [Borides], Atomizdat, Moscow 1975, pp. 1/375, 9/132, 161/204. Hoard, J. L.; Hughes, R. E.; Elementary Boron and Compounds of High Boron Content: Structure, Properties, and Polymorphism, in: Muetterties, E. L.; The Chemistry of Boron and Its Compounds, Wiley, New York - London - Sydney 1967, pp. 25/154. Samsonov, G. V.; Tugoplavkie Soedineniya Redkozemel'nykh Metallov s Nemetallami, Metallurgiya, Moscow 1964; High-Temperature Compounds of Rare Earth Metals with Nonmetals, Consultants Bureau, New Yo