The Balance of Power in World History

The balance of power is one of the most influential ideas in international relations, yet it has never been comprehensively examined in pre-modern or non-European contexts. This book redresses this imbalance. The authors present eight new case studies of

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Stuart J. Kaufman, Richard Little and William C. Wohlforth

The Balance of Power in World History

Also by Stuart J. Kaufman MODERN HATREDS: The Symbolic Politics of Ethnic War

Also by Richard Little THE ANARCHICAL SOCIETY IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD (co-editor with John Williams) THE BALANCE OF POWER IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS BELIEF SYSTEMS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (co-editor with Steve Smith) GLOBAL PROBLEMS AND WORLD ORDER (co-author with R.D. Mckinlay) INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS IN WORLD HISTORY (co-author with Barry Buzan) INTERVENTION: EXTERNAL INVOLVEMENT IN CIVIL WAR ISSUES IN WORLD POLITICS (3rd edition) (co-editor with Brian White and Michael Smith) THE LOGIC OF ANARCHY (co-author with Barry Buzan and Charles A. Jones) PERSPECTIVES ON WORLD POLITICS (3rd edition) (co-editor with Michael Smith)

Also by William C. Wohlforth COLD WAR ENDGAME (editor) ELUSIVE BALANCE AND PERCEPTIONS IN THE COLD WAR WITNESSES TO THE END OF THE COLD WAR (editor) WORLD OUT OF BALANCE: International Relations Theory and the Challenge of American Primacy (co-author with Stephen G. Brooks)

The Balance of Power in World History Edited by Stuart J. Kaufman Department of Political Science and International Relations University of Delaware, USA

Richard Little Department of Politics University of Bristol, UK

and William C. Wohlforth Department of Government Dartmouth College, USA

Editorial matter, selection, introduction and conclusion © Stuart J. Kaufman, Richard Little and William C. Wohlforth 2007 All remaining chapters © respective authors Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2007 978-0-230-50710-4

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