Retail Power Plays: From Trading to Brand Leadership

How can retail brand power be built and maintained? What are the implications of this for 'producer brands' like Coca-Cola? How will retailing look in the twenty-first century? This book sets out strategies and implementation programmes for building stron

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Retail Power Plays: From Trading to Brand Leadership Strategies for Building Retail Brand Value

Andrew Wileman and Michael Jary OC & C Strategy Consultants

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© Andrew Wileman and Michael Jary 1997 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1997 978-0-333-68527-3 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 9HE. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 1997 by MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world

ISBN 978-1-349-14380-1

ISBN 978-1-349-14378-8 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-14378-8

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources.



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Copy-edited and typeset by Povey-Edmondson Tavistock and Rochdale, England


List of Exhibits


List of Case Studies List of Plates Preface


xi xiii

Introduction: From Trading to Brand Leadership Part I


The Context 1. The Growth of Retail Power and the Brand-building Challenge 2. Are Retail Brands Different from Producer Brands? Summary of Part I: The Context

11 32 53

Part II Brand-building Strategies in Four Sectors 3. Repertoire Retailing: Fashion and Home Lifestyle 4. Proximity Retailing 5. Category Killers 6. Grocery Retailing Summary of Part II: Brand-building Strategies in Four Sectors

57 71

78 90 108

Part III Managing Retail Brands 7. Managing Multiplicity: The Detail in Retail 8. Organising for Retail Brand Management 9. Investing in Store Brands

113 123 134




10. Investing in the Brand-Customer Relationship 11. Investing in Brand Integrity Summary of Part III: Managing Retail Brands

153 168 176

Part IV Different Perspectives 12. The Financial Services Supermarket 13. The Producer Perspective: Partnerships and Paranoia Summary of Part IV: Different Perspectives

183 196 211

Part V Looking Forward 14. Retailing Without Frontiers 15. Multi-business Retailing: Sum and Parts 16. Home Shopping: From Mail Order to the Virtual Mall Summary of Part V: Looking Forward

240 251

Summary and Conclusion




217 228

List of Exhibits Exhibits 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.