Upcoming Conferences
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U.S.S.R. to Host 1st International Workshop on High Gravity Materials Processing The First International Workshop on Materials Processing at High Gravity will be held May 20-24,1991 in Dubna, near Moscow. The Workshop is being sponsored by the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, the European Materials Research Society, the Council of Europe, and others. Experiments in directional solidification, performed in large centrifuges in the U.S.S.R., Czechoslovakia, and France, hâve shown that, under some conditions, crystals are produced with a higher perfection and compositional homogeneity than those produced at 1 g or in space. This meeting will examine the results of récent high gravity experiments, offer explanations, and develop plans for future expérimental, theoretical, and modeling research. Members of the organizing committee include chair L. Regel, Space Research Institute, Moscow; and co-chairs M. Rodot, CNRS, France, and WR. Wilcox, Clarkson University, U.S.A. Members of the International Scientific Committee include A. Chevy, France; G. Labrosse, France; S. Motakef, U.S.A.; G. Miïller, Germany; T. Nishinaga, Japan; R. Parfenyev, U.S.S.R.; R. Schmidt, U.S.A.; R. Smith, Canada; A. Triska, Czechoslovakia; and H. Wiedemeyer, U.S.A. Papers are being solicited for workshop sessions on results of experiments, theoretical modeling, centrifuge design and op-
ération, and the basic science of transport phenomena and materials processing at high gravity, especially in centrifuges. Vapor crystal growth, melt growth, solution growth and glass formation will be included. The processing of semiconductors, metals, and inorganic compounds will also be discussed. Tîtles and brief abstracts of proposed présentations are due to the organizers by January 20, 1991. Please list your address, téléphone and fax numbers on the abstract. Transmission by fax is preferred. To submit an abstract or obtain more information, contact: L. Regel, Space Research Institute, Moscow, U.S.S.R., fax 7-095-3107023; W.R. Wilcox, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, 13699, U.S. A., fax 1-315-2686438; or M. Rodot, CNRS, Meudon, France, fax 33-1-4534-4696.
Graduate Student Award Applications Being Accepted for 1991 MRS Spring Meeting
The MRS Awards Committee is accepting applications for Graduate Student Awards to be presented at the 1991 MRS Spring Meeting in Anaheim, California. "The MRS Graduate Student Awards are designed to recognize outstanding research, and they hâve become extremely compétitive," said Kathy Taylor, chair of the MRS graduate awards subcommittee. "Many outstanding graduate students participate in the MRS meetings and are candidates for thèse awards." A group of finalists will be identified based on the award application. Ail the finalists, who will receive a waiver of the 1991 Spring Meeting registration fee, will be notified on March 15,1991. Ail finalists will be required to give a 10-minute talk (based on their symposium paper) at a spécial student présentation session on Tuesday noon, April 30, at
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