Helicobacter pylori Infection and Immunity

The discovery and concept that Helicobacter pylori is associated with gastric disease including gastric cancer which is one of the most common and frequently lethal forms of malignancy, heralded a new and rapidly expanding field recognizing the emergence

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Mauro Bendinelli, University of Pisa Herman Friedman, University of South Florida College of Medicine

Recent volumes in this series:

DNA TUMOR VIRUSES Oncogenic Mechanisms Edited by Giuseppe Barbanti-Brodano, Mauro Bendinelli, and Herman Friedman ENTERIC INFECTIONS AND IMMUNIlY Edited by Lois J. Paradise, Mauro Bendinelli, and Herman Friedman HEUCOBACTER PYLORI INFECTION AND IMMUNIlY Edited by Yoshimasa Yamamoto, Herman Friedman, and Paul S. Hoffman

HERPESVIRUSES AND IMMUNIlY Edited by Peter G. Medveczky, Herman Friedman, and Mauro Bendinelli HUMAN RETROVIRAL INFECTIONS Immunological and Therapeutic Control Edited by Kenneth E. Ugen, Mauro Bendinelli, and Herman Friedman MICROORGANISMS AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES Edited by Herman Friedman, Noel R. Rose, and Mauro Bendinelli OPPORTUNISTIC INTRACELLULAR BACTERIA AND IMMUNIlY Edited by Lois J. Paradise, Herman Friedman, and Mauro Bendinelli PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA AS AN OPPORTUNISTIC PATHOGEN Edited by Mario Campa, Mauro Bendinelli, and Herman Friedman

PULMONARY INFECTIONS AND IMMUNIlY Edited by Herman Chmel, Mauro Bendinelli, and Herman Friedman RAPID DETECTION OF INFECTIOUS AGENTS Edited by Steven Specter, Mauro Bendinelli, and Herman Friedman RICKETTSIAL INFECTION AND IMMUNIlY Edited by Burt Anderson, Herman Friedman, and Mauro Bendinelli STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS INFECTION AND DISEASE Edited by Allen L. Honeyman, Herman Friedman, and Mauro Bendinelli A Continuation Order Plan is available for this series. A continuation order will bring delivery of each new volume immediately upon publication. Volumes are billed only upon actual shipment. For further information please contact the publisher.

Helicobacter pylori Infection and Ill1ll1unity Edited by

Yoshimasa Yamamoto University of South Florida College of Medicine Tampa, Florida

Herman Friedman University of South Florida College of Medicine Tampa, Florida


Paul S. Hoffman Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow

Library of Congress Cualogi ng-in-Publication Data Helicobacter pylon infection and immunity/ edited by Yoshimasa Yamamoto, Herman Friedman and Paul Hoffman, p. ; cm. - (Infectious agenu and pathogenesis) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN ()"306-46658-9 I. Helicobacter pylori infections. 2. HelicoOOcler p)·lori infections- Imm unological aspects. I. Yamamoto. Yoshimasa II. Friedman, Herman. 1931- III. Hoffman, Pau l S. IV. Series. [DNLM: I. Hel icobacter p)·lori_immunology. 2. Gastritis-parasitology. 3. Helicobacter Infectio ns-drug therapy. 4. Helicobaner Infections-immunology. 5. I-I elicobacler Infections-pathology. 6. Ilelicobacter pylori-pathogeniCity. QW 154 1-145722001] Q R20l. H44 H463 2002 616' .0I