Glass IV Edited by M. Tomozawa and R.H. Doremus ( Volume 26 of Treatise on Materials Science and Technology , Academic P
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or -> Microlithography ^ Edited by L.F. Thompson, C.G. Willson, and J.M.J. Frechet ~" * {Volume 266 of ACS Symposium Series, .„ ,f American Chemical Society, 1984) »-'•• *" """ ^
This volume is a collection of papers given in a symposium at the American Chemical Society's A n n u a l Meeting in St. Louis, M O in A p r i l 1984. Conference proceedings often convey a rather fragmented picture of their field. This volume achieves unusual consistency
due partly to three excellent i n t r o d u c t o r y chapters by E v e r h a r t ( L i m i t s of L i t h o graphy), by Broers (Fundamentals), and by B o w d e n (Resist M a t e r i a l s ) . T h e o t h e r papers fall into t w o groups: the first concerns the fundamental radiation chemistry of e l e c t r o n b e a m , x - r a y , o r deep U V materials; the second deals directly w i t h resist materials and their applications. A brief perusal of the papers w i l l show that coverage of the field of m i c r o l i t h o graphic materials is fairly comprehensive and that the volume title is justified. Reviewer: Arnost Reiser is chairman of the Department of Imaging Sciences oj the Polytechnic Institute of New York, Brooklyn, NY.
technical value, but they are probably most useful as a guide to current directions of rare earth research, particularly in the People's Republic of China. Reviewer: j.M. Haschke, a member of the research staff at Rockwell International, has been interested iu the solid-state chemistry of rare earth and actinide compounds throughout his career.
Glass IV Edited by M. Tomozawa and R.H. Doremus (Volume 26 of Treatise on Materials Science and Technology, Academic Press, 1985)
Class IV is the most recent volume in a series that began w i t h the publication of Class 1 in 1977. This volume contains five chapters in differentareas in glass, science, and technology. In the first chapter, J.M. A i t k e n ( I B M Corporation) and E.A. Irene (University of (Science Press, Beijing and Academic N o r t h Carolina) review the use of SiC>2 Press, New York, 1985) films in semiconductor devices. The aim of New Frontiers in Rare Earth Science ami Applica- the review, according to the authors, is to tion contains the proceedings of the Intergive materials scientists w o r k i n g outside national Conference on Rare Earth Developthe electronics industry some insight into ment and Applications held in Beijing, the role of glass films in modern microChina, September 10-1 4,1985. The editors, electronic devices. They describe the preparaDrs. Xu and Xiao, are professors at Peking tion method of the films, physicochemical University and Beijing University of Iron characterization of the films, and electrical and Steel Technology, respectively. Volume properties of the films. I includes a p p r o x i m a t e l y 170 extended In the second chapter, C.G. Wicks sumabstracts of invited and contributed papers marizes the progress in the program on the by several internationally recognized authorsolidification of nuclear waste in glass. He ities on the rare earths and by
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