Section News

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For Information about the activities of the North Texas Materials Characterization, contact one of the officers: President Jim Marshall University of North Texas Department of Chemistry Denton, TX 76203 (817)565-2719 Vice President Alan Weckerling Weckerling Scientific Labs 2602 Electronic Lane, Suite 606 Dallas, TX 75220 (214) 353-9494 Secretary/Treasurer Laura Maxwell R-Tec Systems 2100 Reliance Parkway Bedford, TX 76021 (817)540-8273

Committee members and exhibitors meet at the 7th Annual Symposium on Electronic Materials, Processing, and Charaderization (left to right): ]im Marshall, technical program committee; Marylyn Bennett, organizing committee; ].L. Long, exhibitor, Philips Electronic Instruments.

North Texas Section Cosponsors 7th Annual Symposium on Electronic Materials, Processing, and Characterization The 7th Annual Joint Symposium on Electronic Materials, Processing, and Characterization was held June 6-7 at the Marriott Park Central Hotel, Dallas Texas. Cosponsors of the Symposium for the third consecutive year were the local chapters of the Materials Research Society, the Electrochemical Society, and the American Vacuum Society. The organizing committee composed of Marylyn Hoy Bennett (MRS), Allen Bowling (ECS), and Wayne Fisher (AVS) reported a new high of 169 attendees. Of this number, 38 were exhibitors and 29 were students. The rwo-day Conference featured seven invited Speaker presentations, eight Student presentations, and 13 contributed presentations. Session topics spanned recent advancements in lithography, dielectrics, Compound semiconductors, characterization, metallization, epitaxy and deposition, and processing and manufacturing. Student paper awards were presented again for the second year. The first place award was presented to Brent A. Richert of Texas A & M University for "Electronic and Mateials Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors." The second place award went to John A. Carlisle of East Texas State University for "XPS Study of the DVC W/Si Interface: Interfacial Fluorine." A reception for the exhibitors was held on the evening of June 6. This was followed by the June meeting of the North Texas Ma-


terials Characterization Society, the MRS North Texas Section. The Speaker was Dr. Michael D. Pashley of North American Philips Corporation, who presented a tutorial on the scanning tunneling microscope to about 60 NTMCS members. " M.H. Bennett

Newsletter Editor Leigh Ann Files Texas Instruments, Inc. P.O. Box 655936, MS 147 Dallas, TX 75265 (214)995-5083

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