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Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety Journal fu¨r Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit


Upcoming events

© Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) 2020

Disclaimer: Events might be cancelled or postponed due to coronavirus pandemic. Please check the current status on the corresponding event websites. XVI European Society for Agronomy Congress 1–4 September 2020, virtual meeting; https​://esa-congr​ ess-sevil​la202​0.es German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) 14–17 September 2020, virtual meeting; https​://gcb20​20.de/ 10. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 34. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2020 21–24 September 2020, virtual meeting; https​://deche​ ma.de/JT202​0-p-20131​606.html Fraunhofer-Konferenz “Bioökonomie und nachhaltige Produktionssysteme” 1 October 2020 in Berlin, Germany; https​://www.feibonn.de/veran​stalt​u ngen​- termi​n e/sonst​i ge-veran​stalt​ ungen​/va-2020-10-01-fraun​hofer​ ILMAC Lausanne, Fachmesse für Prozess- und Labortechnologie 7–8 October 2020 in Lausanne, France; https​://www. ilmac​.ch/de-CH/lausa​nne/ueber​sicht​.aspx 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 13–16 October, virtual meeting; https:​ //lcafoo​ d2020​ .com/ Analytica 2020 19–22 October 2020 in Munich, Germany; https​://www. analy​tica.de/ Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting 2020 19–21 October 2020 in Basel, Switzerland and virtual participation; https​://www.abim.ch/home.html

International Conference on Agricultural and Food Science (4th ICAFS 2020) 29–30 October 2020, virtual meeting; https​://icafs​.apase​ t.org/2020/ ICANFM 2020: 14th International Conference on Animal Nutrition and Feed Management 29–30 October 2020, virtual meeting; https​://waset​.org/ anima​l-nutri​tion-and-feed-manag​ement​-confe​rence​-inoctob​er-2020-in-paris​ 3rd Annual Congress on Plant Science and Biosecurity 9–11 November 2020 in Osaka, Japan; https​://acpb2​020. com/ ICPPFC 2020: 14th International Conference on Plant Protection and Field Crops 18–20 November 2020, virtual meeting; https​://waset​.org/ plant​-prote​ction​-and-field​-crops​-confe​rence​-in-novem​ber2020-in-londo​n 71st Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science 1–4 December, virtual meeting, https​://meeti​ngs.eaap. org/2020-virtu​al-eaap-annua​l-meeti​ng/ 8th International Conference on Agriculture and Biotechnology 16–18 December 2020 in Osaka, Japan and virtual meeting; http://www.icabt​.org/ 4. LGL Kongress Lebensmittelsicherheit und Tiergesundheit 22–24 February 2021 in Erlangen, Germany; https​:// www.lgl.bayer ​n.de/aus_fort_weite​rbild​ung/veran​stalt​ ungen​/kongr​esse_veran​stalt​ungen​/2020_kongr​ess_lm_ siche​rheit​_tierg​esund​heit.htm



7th International Symposium on Food Packaging–Scientific Developments Supporting Safety and Innovation 24–26 February 2021 in Barcelona, Spain; https​://ilsi.eu/ event​/7th-inter​natio​nal-sympo​sium-on-food-packa​gingscien​tific​-devel​opmen​ts-suppo​r ting​-safet​y-and-innov​ ation​/ 6th International ISEKI